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Islamology Journal Call for Papers: Islam in Megalopolises

The opening issue of Islamology journal for 2018 which will be devoted to Islam in megalopolises called for papers.

Globalization, urbanization and migration to the West, the rapid spread of the Internet and social media, transformation of marketing technologies, emergence of the new elites and social hierarchies have certainly made a huge impact of Muslims and Islam.

What is the reaction to these challenges, how do Muslims adapt to the new situation and engage with the new spaces? How does the Islamic tradition integrate itself into the new contexts and even transform them? What are the new meanings produced in these meeting points? What is the impact of post-secular tendencies? What is the influence of neoliberalism, neo-Marxism, neo-Sovietism, and the transforming nationalisms on the Muslim societies?

The journal invites the people to dwell on these and related issues on the pages of Islamology. The deadline is 30 March 2018. Working languages are Russian and English. Please follow the APA 6th ed. reference style in your articles.

Email: paper@islamology.in

About the Journal

The Islamology journal is a new academic project of Mardjani Foundation and group of scholars of Islamic Studies. Islamology follows the thought and mission of our previous journal Pax Islamica – The World of Islam, which had been published in 2007 – 2013. However, the format of the new journal is slightly different; it will be more dynamic and open to current social and political issues, discussions and approaches while maintaining its commitment to fundamental research established by the previous team.

To see more about the Journal Click Here.

About Ali Teymoori

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