Home / Conferences / Int’l Conference on Contribution of Women to Various Discourse of Islamic Studies

Int’l Conference on Contribution of Women to Various Discourse of Islamic Studies

A two day international conference titled “The Contribution of Women to Various Discourses of Islamic Studies in Contemporary Times” Organized by the Faculty of Usuluddin (Female Campus) in collaboration with Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue, International Islamic University, Islamabad and Higher Education Commission, Pakistan) will be held on February 27-28, 2018 Islamabad Pakistan.

The study of Islam both as a sacred text and pivotal facet of human society has always been an extremely important, yet gravely serious discipline of academic and social interest. Scholars have contributed formally and non-formally to the domain of Islamic Studies employing miscellany approaches and diverse methodologies. Though there are notable Muslim women throughout history and in the contemporary world who have been engaged in contributing to Islamic Studies as theologians, legal jurists, benefactresses, business personnel, poets and mystics, among various other endless positions but in available literature, there are but isolated and scattered references to their contribution.  The non- institutional contribution of women in disseminating the theological and juristic knowledge as well as culture has been widely ignored in academia.
The postmodernist idea of gender equality which primarily focuses on challenging the patriarchal norms has made the debate of female contribution more pertinent. Since its inception that took place in second part of the 20th century with the emergence of new reformist and feminist voices, there is a foregoing discussion in the feminist circles – both academics and social- encapsulating the highlights of vicious outlook and negative image of Muslims women. Thus this venture envisages expounding the contributions rendered by female scholars to the study of Islam, in various present junctures of Islamic scholarship. A significantly large number of women have distinguished them and built bridges between the academia and societies by accomplishing the exigent task of studying Islam in various geographical positions, approaches and languages and helped continue to both shape and enrich the discipline.
An essential synthesis to the contribution of women scholars to Islamic Studies in contemporary times is a pressing academic need which caters to look forward to engage in expository investigations of methods and approaches devised and employed by female scholars to various discourses of Islamic Studies in present times. Keeping this in view, the idea of proposed conference is being conceived.

Aims and Objectives

The proposed conference anticipates aiming;

  • at examining, on one hand, the scholarship produced by female scholars of Islamic Studies in our times while using the standard quintessential approach to the study of Islam, while, on the other hand, the contribution of those female scholars who have been employing the feminist stratagem of re reading and re visiting the sacred religion will also be thoroughly examined.
  • at presenting the available information to initiate a thorough process of investigation to unearth what could be most significant and to find about the impact of female accomplishments.

Proposed Themes

The following themes are being chiefly proposed to encapsulate the scope of conference:

  • Contribution of Women to the Study of Qur’an and Sunnah
    • The Centrality of Qur’an as a key and guide to social reforms in contemporary societies
    • The role of Muslim women in bringing socio-religious reforms in the society through formal and non-formal institutes of Islamic knowledge in various parts of the world
    • Current state of Hadith Studies as an academic discipline and women’s contribution to it.
  • Contribution of Women to the Study of Fiqh and its Relevant Principles
    • The study of  Islamic Jurisprudence by Muslim women in present times  – at glance-
    • Comparative study of Fiqh in the light of Objectives of Shari’ah
    • The role of women in developing and promoting emerging modules of Islamic Economics and finance.
    • The role of female lawyers and judges in modern Muslim world and its compatibility/incompatibility with traditional interpretations of Shar’iah.
    • Adaptability of role of Muslim women in political thought and process
    • Muslim family structure and modern day challenges
  • Contribution of Women to the Study of Seerah and Islamic History
    • Contribution of women to the discourses of Islamic history and approaches employed there in
    • Reconstitution of the narrative of role of women in Muslim societies in the light of historical models and future prospects
    • Theorization and application of studying  and reflecting upon Seerah from female perspective
  • Contribution of Women tothe Study of Contemporary Islamic Thought, Culture and Civilization
    • Muslim women and development of Islamic intellectualthought today
    • The impact of feminist theology on the Muslim women’s understanding of textual and applied Islamic Studies
    • Muslim women accommodating the Islamic paradigms of modesty within the modern corporate culture (Case-studies)
    • Contribution of women to the development of social sciences in Islamic perspective, i.e. anthropology, psychology, education, sociology and literature etc.
    • Adaptability of role of Muslim women in political thought and process
  • Contribution of Women to the Study of ‘Aqeedah and Religions/ Comparative Religions
    • Academic study and dissemination of ‘Aqeedah as fundamental Islamic creed by Muslim women
    • The role of Muslim women in promoting and fostering interfaith tolerance and  peace building through academic engagement and dialogue
    • Contribution of women to the study of Religion, insider and other’s approaches
  • Contribution of Women to the Socio-Religious Reform
    • The role of Muslim women in delivering social welfare services such as catering the health care needs of the society, special education etc.
    • The role of women in raising consciousness for promotion of Islam.
    • The role of women in addressing issues and challenges of reverted Muslim women.

Anticipated Audience

Female students, researchers and teachers of Islamic Studies in the universities, graduate and post graduate colleges across Pakistan, teachers and students of Women Madrassah, and female Dawah workers.

General Rules for Paper Submission

  1. The research papers submitted for the conference are subject to peer review by the academic committee of the conference.
  2. The presenter shall revise the draft before final approval, if the committee finds it necessary to make some improvements/ changes in the draft.
  3. The committee is authorized to make minor changes in the draft as far as the amendments do not disrupt the major content of the research.
  4. The submitted papers will not be returned to the authors irrespective of their acceptance or rejection and the academic committee will not be bound to provide any justification for rejection.
  5. The research papers can be submitted in Arabic, English or Urdu languages.

Guidelines for Researchers

  1. The subject and study of the research paper should correspond to the theme, sub-themes, scope or dimensions of the conference.
  2. The research rules such as research methodology and documenting style of references and sources should be abided by.
  3. Due attention should be paid to the accuracy of the language, narrative, facts, sources and documentation.
  4. The paper should contain original research and it should not be the one already published elsewhere or presented in a conference or a seminar.
  5. The research paper should comprise of 25-30 pages, A4 size, inclusive of the references and bibliography.
  6. The foreign terms and names must be italicized as well as written in English within brackets and transliterated, if applicable.
  7. Chicago Manual of Style 2016 should be followed for references.
  8. The references, notes and comments should be recorded as footnotes not as endnotes.
  9. The annexure(s), bibliography and indexes should be given at the end of research paper.
  10. The research paper should be computer typed in Word-format.
  11. The first page should specify full title of the research paper, name and designation of the researcher as well as work/academic affiliation and correspondence email.
  12. The abstracts may be emailed to:  cwis2018@iiu.edu.pk or the composed draft can be delivered in person or through courier to the Conference Secretariat (Room No: B004 Fatima-tu-Zahra block, Women Campus International Islamic University, H-10 Islamabad, Pakistan).

Important Dates

Abstracts to be submitted:   November 27, 2017
Announcement for the short listed abstracts:  November 30, 2017
Final paper submission:  January 10, 2018
Intimation of Final approval:  January 15, 2018
Conference Date: 27th , 28th  February, 2018

About Ali Teymoori

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