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The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Quranic Study

The conference is scheduled to be organized in the holy city of Mashhad, northeast of Iran, concurrent with the sixth International Quran Competition for Muslim Students.

It will have two major themes: ‘fundamentals of interdisciplinary Quranic studies’ and ‘Quran and health’.

Necessity, concepts, dimensions, characteristics, current status and mythology of interdisciplinary Quranic studies are the topics to be discussed regarding the first major theme.

The second one, meanwhile, will have subthemes including theoretical and practical teachings of the Quran on different aspects of health, and clarification of various aspects of health (physical, psychological and social) in view of the Quran.

The conference which be held on February 2017 aims to present scholarly views on the above-mentioned themes and help to promote interdisciplinary Quranic research.

Themes of the Conference

Methodology of Interdisciplinary Quranic Research: Approaches, Requirements, and Processes  

 (…Fusion Models in interdisciplinary Quranic studies (immanence synthesis with concept formation methods, holistic

(Critique of fusion models in interdisciplinary Quranic studies (such as critique by those holding a holistic view

(Dialectic models (challenges in interdisciplinary Quranic studies

(Holistic approach to interdisciplinary Quranic studies (models, processes, rational criteria, technique

Functions of discourse analysis in interdisciplinary Quranic studies

(Systemic approach to interdisciplinary Quranic studies (models, processes, rational criteria, techniques

Role and functions of linguistic and semiotic approaches to interdisciplinary Quranic studies

(Methodological errors in interdisciplinary Quranic studies (error of methodological reductionism, latent exclusivism

Role and function of phenomenological approach to interdisciplinary Quranic studies

First View in the Quran and its methodological requirements

Methodological distinctions of concepts such as interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, in interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Interdisciplinary approach to the distinction between translation and interpretation of the Quran

Role and function of critical thinking in interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Role and function of existential approach to interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Processes of interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Methodological requirements of neurotheology and the Holy Quran

Methodological requirements of epigenetic studies and the Holy Quran

Competences of nature and requirements of action in interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Methodological critique of existing interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Possibility and impossibility of employing hermeneutical approaches to interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Comparison of interdisciplinary approach and other approaches to understanding the Holy Quran

Role and function of empirical studies in interdisciplinary approach to the Holy Quran

Role and function of historical studies in interdisciplinary approach to the Holy Quran

Role and function of cognitive sciences in interdisciplinary Quranic studies

Status of interdisciplinary approach among earlier Quran researchers

Methodological requirements of system building approaches

Quran and Health

Prevention and Treatment in View of the Holy Quran

Research Needs Assessment and Clarification of Existing Theoretical Vacuums in Quran and Health Topics

(Quran and different dimensions of health (physical, psychological & social

Exploring the impact of Quran on different aspects of health

Methods of interdisciplinary studies on ‘Quran and health

For official website click here.

About Ali Teymoori

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