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Indian Navy Commander: I love Ayatollah Khamenei

I had a meeting with the commandant of the navy of India after the dinner. This commandant was a Sikh (one of the religions in India) Lieutenant general who said, “I love Ayatollah Khamenei” and he expressly used the sentence “I love him”.

The following text is an excerpt of the interview with Amir Poordastan about Ayatollah Khamenei’s command over armed forces of Islamic Republic of Iran.

 At the 14th of Khordad of the current year, the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of Ayatollah Khamenei’s guardianship and leadership was heldwhilethe years after the victory of Islamic revolution, this democratic revolution had encountered with a wide spectrum of internal and external threats from the aggressive and arrogant powers due to being a forerunner of the fighting against aggressiveness and arrogance.

During the last years, our armed forces have faced a matter called the expansion of Takfiri terrorism in countries of resistance axis and after which the war in countries such as Iraq and Syria began. How do you see the way of Ayatollah Khamenei’s command in matters pertaining to the resistance axis?

If I want to say it in one word, Ayatollah Khamenei’s command in the resistance axis is pivotal and momentous. Each one of the groups of resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain has leaders who listen to the orders and strategies of Ayatollah Khamenei in order to do them.

I even want to say a higher level that many of liberals of the world listen too much to the orders and strategies of Ayatollah khamenei. General rear admiral, Koochaki, the former commandant of the navy ofIran, said in a trip that he had to India, “The commandant of the navy of India had invited us for dinner and we went too with a delegation. I had a meeting with the commandant of the navy of India after the dinner. This commandant was a Sikh (one of the religions in India) Lieutenant general who said, “I love Ayatollah Khamenei” and he expressly used the sentence “I love him”. He ordered the head of his office to bring a box which was full of compact discs. When I asked him what were these discs? He answered, “These are sayings of Ayatollah Khamenei that we all have saved them and we write our guidelines based on the sayings of Ayatollah Khamenei.”

These were the things that a Sikh who was the commandant of the navy of India said. Therefore Ayatollah Khamenei’s position is so lofty and prominent that the resistance axis listens to his commands and also all those who are standing against arrogance are inspired by his strategies. This leadership is spiritual and heart whole and at the same time is a guidance and have supervision too.

About Ali Teymoori

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