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Imam Sajjad and Building a Community on Jurisprudential Circuit

Hussein’s movement is defined from the beginning to the end in the structure of Imamiya jurisprudence. Although some know Karbala, Ashura, and its calamities as a movement beyond jurisprudence, some also believe that Ashura is fully covered by jurisprudence and has rules that cannot be measured except in the context of jurisprudence.

Ijtihad International Network; This jurisprudential behavior of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S) continues after Ashura, which can be measured in the thoroughly jurisprudential subjects like VELAYAT, IMAMAT and the relation of the Ummah-Imāmat. Even the most immense roles after Ashura are analyzed precisely in the same way as the relationship between Hazrat Zaynab (S) and Imam Sajjad (AS),which although in the eyes of those who look at the surface, they are influenced by the role of the  Bibi Zaynab (S), and hegemony of  Zaynab covers them as they do not see the sunlight after Ashura, but those who look at the event thoughtfully and analyze the behaviors within the frames  know well the relationship between Zaynab and Imam Ali ibn Hussein, was beyond a family relationship that is  an internal and ideological relationship in which Bibi defines the same position she had with the previous Imam, Hussein (AS), with the Imam of her time, Imam Sajjad.

This guidance and, of course, asking for “instructions” from the very moment of the martyrdom of Sayyid al-Shohada starts, whose example can be seen in the same Karbala as Zaynab goes to the tent of Imam-Sajjad(A.S) and says that enemy have set fire in the tents, what do we do? And with the command of the Imam, she leads women and children to escape from the tents and to be released in the desert, that is, in the midst of danger and fire, lady Zaynab doesn’t allow herself to take even one step without the command of the imam of her time. Since she knows and read in the Quran and learned in the school of Prophet and Zahra and Ali and Hassan and Hossein that “the prophet is better for the believers than themselves,” and knows that after the prophet, the Wali also possesses this position. That is the reason she goes to the Imam of her time.

Afterwards, all the cry and silence, the uprising of Zaynab and all the caravans, are under the guidance of Imam Sajjad, and Lady Zaynab is actually the spokeswoman for her Imam and the speaking soul of Karbala. She cannot step or even say one word without asking her Imam. The lion heidari Lady of Karbala, has been taught and fully utilized accepting WELAYA and being the soldier of her Imam. And it can be easily said that Zaynab didn’t even blink without the permission and guidance and the pattern of her Imam which is the true meaning of Welaya.

In actual fact, the glory of her role is also due to her obedience. It is that Zaynab is in the position that she is the role model of being a Shi’ite and the symbol of the “Ummah Imamate” institution and, returns the glances to Karbala with herself forever.

In the Kufa Palace, in the stops they made between Kufa and Sham, and even in the Yazid palace, this design continues and, of course, the Imam himself continues to explain the case, and sometimes this duty is left to the speaker of Imamate. Yazid also finds that, according to historical reports, then, when he puts the sin of the story on the neck of Ibn Ziyad and starts cursing him, He asks from the Imam of the caravan to tell him the path of repentance and salvation, not of the spokeswoman of the movement.

With this look, it can be said that the enemy has also come to understand the fact that the roles are performed with all of their significance under the guidance of Imam. Yes, the continuation of the movement must also be seen at the level of jurisprudence, and in the glorified relationship of “Ummah-Imāmā”. To see that everything in Karbala is exactly in its place and it wants to make a plan in history to put everything in its own place.

This being in its own place, means the practical realization of the religion. That is, the embodiment of jurisprudence within the society, the fulfillment of morality and the explanation of the theological thoughts and the fruitfulness of the prophecy of prophets. All this can be seen in Caravan’s behavior and role play.

The article was written by Hamza Vagheii / Editor-in-Chief of the Ijtihad International Network.

About Ali Teymoori

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