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Imam al-Jawad’s (A) Virtues Were Acknowledged by Friends and Foes Alike

Imam Jawad (a.s.) taught us a great lesson. That great lesson is that when faced with hypocritical and duplicitous powers, we should make an attempt to awaken people’s awareness for fighting these powers, said Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the leader of Islamic Republic of Iran.

Like other infallible Imams, Imam Jawad (as) is a role model, leader and an example to follow. The short life of this meritorious servant of God was spent on fighting against the unfaithful and rebellion. In his adolescence, he was appointed the Leader of the Islamic nation; and, in a few years, he went through a compact struggle against God’s enemy–such that he became unbearable for the enemies of God; hence, they poisoned him, leading him to martyrdom. Just as our other Imams (as) recorded a golden page in history, through their endeavor for the sake of God, this noble Imam (as) also fulfilled an important part of Islam’s comprehensive struggle, through his activism, and he taught us a great lesson. That great lesson is that when faced with hypocritical and duplicitous powers, we should make an attempt to awaken people’s awareness for fighting these powers. If the enemy displaces hostility, openly and bluntly, and does not practice duplicity, it will be an easier task. But, when the enemy is like Ma’moon Abbassi, who disguises as sacred and an advocate of Islam, it would be difficult for the people to recognize him. In our time and in all eras of history, those in power have always tried to resort to duplicity and hypocrisy once they fail in openly standing against the people.

The life of Imam Jawad (as) is a role model. Imam Jawad (as)—an Imam with such status, such nobleness—passed away at the age of twenty-five. This is not what we say; history says that; history written by non-Shias. This noble man appeared outstanding during his childhood, adolescence and youth in the eyes of Ma’moon and everyone else. These facts are very important; they can be examples for us to follow.

Imam Jawad (pbuh) was a manifestation in the struggle against falsehoods, he strove to serve Allah. He was a sign and symbol of resistance; a great man who —during his short life, as he was martyred at the age of 25— fought against the pretentious and hypocritical influence of the Abbasid caliph Ma’moun; and he never withdrew an inch. He endured all the arduous conditions, while employing every possible mean to fight against falsehood.

The life of Imam Jawad (as) is a role model. Imam Jawad (as)—an Imam with such status, such nobleness—passed away at the age of twenty-five. This is not what we say; history says that; history written by non-Shias. This noble man appeared outstanding during his childhood, adolescence and youth in the eyes of Ma’moon and everyone else. These facts are very important; they can be examples for us to follow.

Everybody including his supporters, Shia Muslims, his opponents, those who do not believe in him and everybody else has acknowledged his virtues, his knowledge, his piety, his purity, his infallibility, his courage against his enemies, and his patience and steadfastness in the face of hardships…Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (a.s.) was martyred when he was 25 and Imam Hassan al-Askari (a.s.) was martyred when he was 28 years old. We are not the only ones who believe in their virtues and greatness, rather their virtues have been acknowledged even by their enemies and those did not believe in their imamate.

The above are the speeches of Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, which made in several meeting and published in Khamenei.ir.

About Ali Teymoori

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