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How Many Days Does Fāṭimiyah Last?

Fāṭimiyah begins on the 13th day of Jumada al-Awwal until the 3rd of Jumada al-Thani, which is off and the peak of the mourning would be on that day. The great Shitte authorities such as Mirza Naeeni and the late Akhund Khorasani had paid a great consideration to this day.

Ayatollah Khamenei:

According to the Islamic Hadith, the third day of Jumada al-Thani marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of the Lady of the women of the world, Fāṭima Zahra, divine peace upon her. I request the Iranian nation to close their shops or go on leave and honor the rituals of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Fāṭima Zahra’, divine peace upon her. The businessmen, the shop owners, etc. should observe it. You should go on leave at that day so that we can enjoy the blessings of Fāṭima Zahra’, divine peace upon her.

The late Ayatollah Mirza Tabrizi:

He used to do chest-beating  and weep in hot summers on bare feet; when his child expressed sympathy for him, he answered, “My dear child, let my feet burn since whatever we do for the tragedy of Fāṭima Zahra’, divine peace upon her, is insufficient. Whatever we do [to honor] the mourning of the Lady of the Two Worlds is too little. I want to do my best to serve her holiness Fāṭima, [divine peace upon her] lest I regret on the Day of Judgment.

Ayatollah Fāzel Lankarāni:

You should strive hardly to do Fāṭimiyah rituals, because the enemies and the malicious people seek to weaken it in various ways…the glory and magnificence of these ceremonies is a strong response to those who try to induce doubt among our people; and do not think it is in contrary to the unity. The unity that the late Imam Khomeini intended was not to abandon the ideals and beliefs of Shia and leave them behind. Preserving unity does not mean to forget the spirit of Shia lest we suffer ideology deviation and under the name of preserving unity, leave the goals, beliefs and approach of guardianship of infallibles and abolish Shia.

Silence and indifference in this case and lack of attention to Fāṭimiyah lead to separation from Shiah and its holy ideals. I consider myself responsible toward the Glorified Allah; therefore I shared the above mentioned issues as an ultimatum for you.

The Islamic Revolution of Iran arose from the particular attention of the Iranian nation during the same period (Fāṭimiyah), and today the best factor for preserving and continuing it, is to pay attention to this event. It is necessary that the believers and followers of Ahl Al-Bayt be more endeavor than before, and not let this terrible incident degrade its value among other events.

The sworn enemies of Islam have realized this fact that in order to destroy this nation, they must take Fāṭimiyah, Ashurā, Sha’ban and Ramadan from them and then achieve their sinister goals.

Ayatollah Khamenei

Last year, the Cleric Adib Yazdi mentioned a memory of Ayatollah Khamenei in one of his lectures. He said, “I remember one day in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, one of the gentlemen asked about the martyrdom of her holiness, Fāṭima [divine peace upon her], that whether 75 days after the Prophet’s demise is correct or 95 days?” The Supreme Leader gave a truly wise answer, “It doesn’t matter which one is right, God wanted the people to remember our mother and to mourn for her and express her virtues more “.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi:

About the anniversary of the martyrdom of her holiness, Fāṭima Zahra,[divine peace upon her],there are two narrations. One that she was martyred 75 days after the demise of Prophet Muhammad, [divine peace upon him], which is 13th Jumada al-Awwal and the other is 95 days after the Prophet’s death which would be 3rd of Jumada al-Thani and this period of time, i.e. 20 days is called Fāṭimiyah.

Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani:

Fāṭimiyah begins on the 13th day of Jumada al-Awwal until the 3rd of Jumada al-Thani, which is off and the peak of the mourning would be on that day. The great Shitte authorities such as Mirza Naeeni and the late Akhund Khorasani had paid a great consideration to this day.

Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani:

The most noteworthy issue for the religious authorities is that the first and the second Fāṭimiyah are in Jumada-al-Awl and Jumada al-Thani. It is admirable for the Shiite to mourn from 13th, Jumada al-Awal to 3rd of Jumada al-Thani and by doing her holiness morning rituals to express their respect and affection to Ahl Al-Bayt divine peace upon them.

Our Duty toward Fatimiyah from the Viewpoint of Supreme Religious Authorities

Imam Khomeini (May Allah bless him)

The greatest disaster that befell Islam is the disaster that involved denying Amīr al-Mu’minīni, divine peace upon him, his right to government and we should mourn for this tragedy even more than we do for Karbalā. The disaster that struck Amir Al-Mu’minīn, [divine peace upon him], and Islam is greater than the one which befell Sayyid al-Shuhadā’.

Ayatollah Waḥīid Khorāsānī:

Our duty regarding the enormous tragedy that touched the Mother of the Guiding  Imams, divine peace upon them, which involved her lonely mid-night burial, after which her grave—which is home to divine secrets—was left unmarked. Let us make our best endeavors to hold the sacred rituals of the anniversary of her martyrdom since the martyrdom of her holiness can provide a convincing proof with which to restore the right of the First Oppressed One.

Ayatollah Makārem Shīrāzī:

Without doubt, mourning for the Lady of the Two Worlds, her holiness Siddiqah Kubra, during Fāṭimiyah is amongst the great Islamic rituals, which should be held as splendidly as possible in many regions; honorable responsible religious lecturers should elaborate on the less-known aspects of the life, the moral and educational approach,… of her holiness and on her Khutbah.

About Ali Teymoori

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