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The First International Colloquium on Islamic Banking and Islamic Finance

Tarbiat Modares Univesity in collaboration with Strasbourg Finance Institute, INCEIF, and Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, have organized the First International Colloquium on Islamic Banking and Islamic Finance.

More than fifty years have elapsed ever since the inception of the studies on Islamic Banking/Islamic Finance (IB/IF) as an integral part of Islamic economics. The idea and the underlying philosophical foundations of this paradigm have drawn attention of many Muslim and non-Muslim scholars around the globe, as reflected in their writings. Some of these studies are useful, original, and worth reconsidering and the rest are facing serious problems either of the “copy-paste” nature from the conventional system or imposing some “Islamic” values in the neoclassical framework. However, despite originality, most, if not all, of the useful works suffer mainly from pursuing the goal of making a globally-viable and less confusing model. To unify the wealth of these studies, it was felt acutely necessary to bring together the pioneers and leaders of thought and practice in IB/IF industry and highlight the basic pillars of a universal IB/IF model. To accomplish this task, Tarbiat Modares Univesity in collaboration with Strasbourg Finance Institute (IFS), INCEIF, and Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, have organized the First International Colloquium on Islamic Banking and Islamic Finance, to be held in Tehran, Iran February 11-13, 2017.

The long-term vision for organizing the FIRST INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON ISLAMIC BANKING AND ISLAMIC FINANCE is to work towards a universal model and agreement on the fundamental question of “What Islamic Banking/Islamic Finance is and what it is not?” as it aims at the following inter-related steps, in phase one, as pre-requisite to asymptotically reach our long-run goal:

  1. Narrowing the gaps of the views of experts in IB/IF industry,
  2. Better understanding of the views and opinions of reputable scholars in the field,
  3. Bringing together the scattered research products in a unified manner,
  4. Producing a simple mathematical integrated model of IB/IF.

Colloquium Topics

  1. Fundamental Concepts and the Pillars of Islamic Finance in a holistic perspective
  2. A prelude to Modelling a globally viable IB/IF system
  3. Regulation and Regulatory Dimensions of IB/IF
  4. Legal dispute resolution of IB/IF issues with special emphasis on the experiences of Muslim and Non-Muslim countries

     5. Experiences of Islamic and non-Islamic countries in implementing IB/IF

For official website click here.

About Ali Teymoori

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