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Duke Islamic Studies Center (DISC)

The Duke Islamic Studies Center (DISC) is a vibrant, diverse community of scholars and students engaged in interdisciplinary teaching, interactive learning, and cutting-edge research about Islam and Muslims.


The Duke Islamic Studies Center is a vibrant, diverse community of scholars and students engaged in interdisciplinary teaching, interactive learning, and cutting-edge research about Islam and Muslims. We are educating today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders by equipping them with knowledge about the breadth and diversity of Islamic cultures, cross-cultural experiences, and language skills.

DISC is one of the leading institutions in North America for the study of Islam and Muslims. Its comparative, cross-cultural approach to Islamic studies will foster fresh interpretations of Islam and encourage creative solutions to the economic, political and social challenges involving Muslims.

We are committed to working with partners at home and abroad to provide undergraduate and graduate students, professionals and policy makers with the knowledge about Muslims and Islamic cultures, beliefs and practices that will enable them to operate effectively in a multicultural world.

The Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the Duke Islamic Studies Center is an international board comprised of Muslims and non-Muslims. The Board includes members of the public and private sectors as well as scholars. The Board provides strategic advice on program initiatives to the DISC Director and staff, assists with fundraising activities, and helps raise the profile of the Duke Islamic Studies Center at home and abroad.

The Center Project

CFP: Academic Networking in Sub-Saharan and North Africa

Muslim Lives

Summer Institute

Teacher Seminar: Turkey: From the Ottoman Empire to Contemporary History and Politics

In addition to putting on a full slate of programs and events each semester, the Duke Islamic Studies Center sponsors special initiatives that reflect emerging leadership priorities or faculty interests.

Previous initiatives include the Transcultural Islam Project, a multi-year project developed to inform public discourse and policy by promoting scholarly and research-based information about Islam and Muslims, and the DISC Media Fellows Initiative, which brought working journalists who cover Islam and Muslims to the Duke campus to interact with our scholars, students and Dewitt Wallace Media Fellows.

Contact the Center

Duke Islamic Studies Center
Duke University
Franklin Center
2204 Erwin Rd.
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 668-1955

Website: https://islamicstudies.duke.edu/

Contact the Center Staffs

Omid Safi
Director, Duke Islamic Studies Center
​(919) 668-1955

Thomas DeGeorges
Research Project Coordinator
(919) 684-1745

Julie Maxwell
Program Coordinator
(919) 668-1955

About Ali Teymoori

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