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Conference: Religion in Modern Education: Conflict, Policy, and Practice

In democratic systems of modern society, education can be understood as a key site for the production of the citizens of the future. The training system is divided in the two types of public and private schools.

The non-government organisations are often distinguished within the categories of secular and sacred groups. Meanwhile, education, which can take many forms, is also a key component of the reproduction of religious and spiritual systems.

We would like to invite scholars to consider the immediate and enduring impacts that the value, consideration, accessibility, and format of religious education may have on religious practices, on public spheres of activity, and on the relationship between religion and society.

Through individual presentations and panels, we encourage participants to reflect upon the role of religion in education. This may include the role of religiosity and religious teaching and practices in schools, seminaries, universities and other places of education, in present-day and historical contexts, and in any region of the world.

Important Data

Conference Date: 13-15 April 2023, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Abstract Deadline: 17 March 2023

Venue: Australian National University

Website: anu.edu.au


Fields of Research

Theory and Methods

  • Primary Education and Religion
  • Religious Policy in Education
  • Higher Education and Religion
  • Teachers and Priests in Management
  • Christian Mission and Education
  • Asian religions at School
  • New religions and Education
  • Religious Conflict with Education
  • Colonial Education and Religion
  • Politics and Religious Education
  • Students and Spirituality
  • Rituals at Educational Institute
  • High Schools and Religious Education
  • Chaplain and Counselling at School
  • Religious Clubs at School

Other perspectives are also welcome. If you are interested, please send your abstract (150 words) and biography (80 words) to the following email ( david.kim@anu.edu.au ). Proposals for panels of 3 or 4 papers must include the above information for all papers and a brief description of the panel itself of 100 words.

The conference fee is AU$350, ACT presenters are AU$200 but for doctoral candidates and early career researchers who do not have full-time positions the fee will be AU$300. The conference cost includes registration fee, conference dinner, and coffee breaks. The best paper submitted by HDR students will be awarded (AU$500). To be considered for this award, the full paper must be submitted one month before the conference (by 15 March 2023). There will be limited bursary for some accepted doctoral candidates and early career researchers after the conference. In addition, the selected papers may be published in a book volume in Europe.

ANU Religion Committee

David W. Kim (chair): School of History, Australian National University

Melissa Lovell (co-chair): The Freilich Project for the Study of Bigotry, Australian National University

Lina Koleilat (committee member): School of Law, Australian National University

Duncan Wright: School of Archaeology, Australian National University

Yun Zhou: School of Culture, History and Languages, Australian National University

About Ali Teymoori

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