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Conference of the Colloquium on Violence & Religion

The Annual Conference of the Colloquium on Violence & Religion (COV&R) and 6th Annual Conference of the Australian Girard Seminar.

Wednesday 13 – Sunday 17 July 2016, St Patrick’s Campus, Melbourne, Australian Catholic University

Theme: Violence in the Name of Religion…

One of the most pressing issues is the outbreak of extremist violence and terrorism, done in the name of religion. The conference will  analyze the link made between religion and violence in its various political, economic, religious, military and technological dimensions.

The conference is open to academics, professionals, religious practitioners, military, police, and anyone interested in engaging this topic in respectful dialogue.

Registration for the conference is now open. Click registration page for more information and to register.

Conference Speakers:

  • Professor Asma Afsaruddin (Indiana University, USA);
  • Professor Anne Aly (Edith Cowan University, Western Australia);
  • Rev Dr Sarah Bachelard (Australian Catholic University, Canberra);
  • Professor Greg Barton (Deakin University, Melbourne);
  • Reverend Professor Frank Brennan SJ (Australian Catholic University and Charles Sturt University);
  • Associate Professor Kathleen Butler (University of Newcastle);
  • Professor William T. Cavanaugh (De Paul University and author of The Myth of Religious Violence), who will give the Raymund Schwager Memorial Lecture;
  • Professor Jean-Pierre Dupuy (École Polytechnique, Paris / Stanford University, California);
  • Dr Chris Fleming (Western Sydney University, NSW);
  • Most Rev Dr Philip Freier (Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne/Primate of The Anglican Church of Australia);
  • Professor Wolfgang Palaver (the University of Innsbruck); and
  • Ms Naomi Wolfe (Australian Catholic University).


About Alireza Mosaddeq

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