Home / Conferences / CIWAS Annual Conference 2018: Islam, the West, and Radicalism

CIWAS Annual Conference 2018: Islam, the West, and Radicalism

The Centre for Islamic and West Asian Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London invites the researchers and scholars to the 2018 Annual CIWAS Conference on the theme of ‘Islam, the West, and Radicalism’.

Recent years have seen new waves of political Islamic revival in West Asian and Islamic societies, the re-emergence of sectarian struggles, and a further development of radical ideologies in the region. The growing number of organized Islamic groups which, in West Asia, represent diverse political goals, are generating tensions beyond the borders of the region. These groups and religio-political dynamics are still not fully understood by academic and policy-making communities.

This year’s conference theme engages the question of the role ‘the west’ has played in the on-going violence, and what influence these developments are having on western communities.

Conference Date: 15 February 2018, 9AM to 5 PM

Venue: Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey UK

About The Centre for Islamic and West Asian Studies

The Centre for Islamic and West Asian Studies (CIWAS) is the product of an exciting new collaboration between Royal Holloway, University of London and the Imam Sadr Foundation (ISF) and affiliated donors. While based in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Royal Holloway, CIWAS provides an institutional base for Royal Holloway scholars whose research relates in some way to Islamic and West Asian studies, including researchers in the departments of History, Music, Geography, Theatre, English, and Economics, and in the School of Law and the School of Management.

About Ali Teymoori

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