Fatimah (s.a.) had been extolled and praised in the Book of Allah and in the Sunna of His prophet. She was one of the shining suns that undertook the mission of Allah and took on the values, principles and aims of Islam. She struggled for the sake of Allah and in the way of Islam until the...
Read More »Sweden’s Supreme Court Overturns Ban on Hijab for Schoolgirls
Sweden’s Supreme Court has reversed the schoolgirl headscarf ban passed by the municipality of Staffanstorp in 2019, arguing that it contravenes freedom of expression laws....
Read More »How Was Hijab Enacted in Islam?
How Was Hijab Enacted in Islam? Did it become obligatory gradually or instantaneously? Did the rules, which were applicable to the Holy Prophet’s wives, have any role in the obligation of.....
Read More »The Lady Zaynab (‘a) and the Awakening of the People of Kufah
At this point in time, Zaynab (‘a) had lost six or seven of her brothers; her son had been killed, ten of her nephews had been killed, and she and what was left of her family had been taken captive by the forces of Yazīd. In spite of all of this, she was put in a position where she had to defend herself and fight against what had happened to...
Read More »The Role of the Elite in Realization of Islamic Unity
But what role do the elite play in the realization of “unity” within the Islamic Ummah? First of all, it should be noted that according to the statement of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, unity does not mean “religious unity” or...
Read More »Religious Training of Children
Parents have been given the noble duty of guiding the future generation. It is their task to ensure that their children get a sound religious education. In this they are carrying on the work of the Prophets, who guided the...
Read More »The Best Nutrition for the Child, An Islamic Perspective
The mother’s milk is the best and complete food for the child. In many ways it can be preferred over the other food products available for them, like: the milk of cow, goat or commercially branded milk foods.....
Read More »The Political Life during the Age of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S)
The Alawids were severely tried and extremely burdened during most periods of the Abbasid rule. The Abbasid kings officially oppressed the Alawids, and pursued and punished them severely. They imposed on them economical blockade until they were in...
Read More »Leadership from the Perspective of Imam Khomeini (R.A.)
The necessary conditions to be available in a leader are directly connected to the nature of the Islamic government. Disregarding the general conditions like wisdom and proper management, two basic conditions, i.e. justice and to know the law, should also be...
Read More »Wilayat al-Faqih in the View of Ayatollah Sistani
The view that the jurist who meets the criteria is the guardian over the Ummah’s affairs and has an executive authority; that it is mandatory to enable the jurist of this public mandate and act on his commands and prohibitions; that his orders are binding and it is impermissible to weaken him or
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