This article will outline the salient features that characterise the Shi‘a community in the United States of America and will examine some of the recent juridical literature that...
March, 2017
29 March
Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘a in Contemporary Shī‘ī Jurisprudence
This article will examine the question of maqasid al-sharī‘a and maṣlaḥa in Shī‘īsm. Before that, the writer will preface his discussion with a...
28 March
Article: The Shi’ite Law of Migration: Preserving Identity, Safeguarding Morality
This study surveys rulings on the subject of migration issued by Imami Shi'ite legal scholars from the formative 10th - 14th centuries to...
28 March
The Role of Social Media in Paving the Ground for Reappearance: A Hijab Case
In this article, the writer presents examples of the use of social media tools by few groups of Muslim Women to increase their capacity to spread information and ideas to global public as well as to build networks among...
26 March
Article: An Outline of the History of Restriction on Ijtihad
The original in Arabic appeared under the title Ta'rikh hasr al-ijtihad a publication of Madrasat al-Imam al Mahdi ('a), Khunsar, and edited by...
26 March
Book: The Heirs of the Prophet, Charisma and Religious Authority in Shi’ite Islam
This book is very well written and demonstrates a vast knowledge and intimate familiarity with both primary and secondary sources on the topic of the Shiite imams and their...
25 March
Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures
The Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures (EWIC) is an interdisciplinary, trans-historical, and global project embracing women and Islamic cultures in every region where there have been significant...
25 March
Article: Introduction to Islamic Sciences, Part III
This article delves into four additional subjects: Hadith Sciences, Qur’anic Sciences, the Science of Exegesis and the Science of...
23 March
Article: Induced Miscarriage in Early Mālikī and Hanafī Fiqh
This article traces the manner in which Mālikī and Hanafī jurists in the first six centuries AH arrived at their respective legal assessments of...
23 March
Thesis: Hasbi’s theory of Ijtihad in the context of Indonesian Fiqh
This thesis studies the proposal for an Indonesian fiqh, articulated by Muhammad Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy (1904-1975) as an effort to bridge the tension in Islamic law between revelation and reality ('ada) in...