Unity, which is among the greatest and the most important duties of all Muslims, is one of the issues that I will stress today. The week leading to Rabi al-Awwal 12 was named as Unity Week at the beginning of the Revolution. That was because according to famous traditions narrated by our Sunni brothers, Rabi al-Awwal 12 marks the birth anniversary of the....
Read More »Artificial Intelligence on Sunni Islam’s Fatwa Issuance in Dubai and Egypt
The research examines the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the issuance and dissemination of fatwas in Sunni Islam today. It offers an overview of the history of fatwas and the radical changes that the discipline has undergone throughout Islamic history....
Read More »Ayatollah Khamenei Stresses Significance of Unity among Muslims
Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the critical need to safeguard the invaluable identity of the Islamic Ummah and emphasized the significance of unity among Muslims, while cautioning against the efforts of adversaries seeking to undermine this essential solidarity....
Read More »Doctrine of Imamate in Twelver Shi’ism: Traditional, Theological, Philosophical and Mystical Perspectives
The doctrine of imamate---that is, the rule of a particular individual over the community---is a central and pivotal concept in Islam generally, and in Shi`ism specifically. Scholars who have studied this concept have tended to emphasize one aspect of the doctrine of imamate to...
Read More »The Role of Embracing the Authority of Ahl al-Bayt (a) in the Formation of Righteous Actions in al-Mīzān
It is crucial for individuals to learn about the factors contributing to their salvation. Quranic verses refer to “righteous actions” among such factors. Many hadiths in the exegesis of these verses state that true instances of righteous believers are the followers or Shīʿas of Imam ʿAlī, the first Shiite Imam....
Read More »The Structure of the Doctrine of Imamate in Shiite Thought: A Developmental Approach
In this article, the writer provides an overview of the idea of Imamate in Shiite thought and its development through Kalami (theological) debates and literary works....
Read More »Political and Social Life of Imam Hasan Al-Askari (ʻA)
Imam Hassan Al-Askari (AS), the son of Imam Al-Hadi (AS) is the eleventh Shia Imam. He was born in Medina in 846 AD and died in Samarra in 874 AD. He was buried in his home. He was 22 when his father was martyred and he became the Imam.....
Read More »You Exhibited Arab Generosity: Ayatollah Khamenei to Iraqis
In a message, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, has expressed his appreciation for the services provided by the owners of the Mawkib in Iraq and the great Iraqi nation during the Arbaeen Walk....
Read More »Examining Ja’farī Jurisprudence: The Incorporation of the Leonine Clause in Partnership and Company Contracts
This research aims to analyze Leonine clause through the lens of Ja'farī jurisprudence, shedding light on the diverse perspectives presented by Shia jurists....
Read More »God’s Man in Iraq: The Life and Leadership of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani
In his new book, God’s Man in Iraq: The Life and Leadership of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Sajad Jiyad draws on original sources and hundreds of interviews during decades of fieldwork inside Iraq to show how Sistani, as the revered senior Shia cleric in a Shia-majority country, commands the loyalty of millions of faithful....
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