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Sociability & Relations

How Did ʻAllāmah Amīnī Turn the Book al-Ghadīr into an Issue for Islamic Unity?

Before Iran’s Islamic Revolution, the late martyr, Mortaḍā Motahharī wrote a detailed article about ʻAllāmahAmīnī’s book al-Ghadīrand proved that it’s a means for Islamic unity. ʻAllāmahAmīnī, the author of the great encyclopedia, al-Ghadīr, which was a turning point in the history of research on imāmate and the progress and development …

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Analyzing the Existential Philosophy of ‘Īd al-Aḍḥā from the Perspective of Āyatollāh Makārim-Shīrāzī

‘Īd al-Aḍḥā is considered an important and key opportunity to get closer to Allāh. This is a day that people, in the shadow of slavery and servitude, call the obedience of Allāh’s command. Therefore, the command of the Allāh Almighty to “slaughter and sacrifice” on the day of ‘Īd al-Aḍḥā …

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