One of the methods that the Imams used to keep the memory of the rise of Ashura alive was arranging gatherings for crying and mourning and making others cry for the tragic incidents that took place in Karbala and reminding people of those incidents on appropriate occasions....
Read More »What Is the Reason for Mourning for Imam Husayn (A.S)?
The Infallible Imams (a.s.) have greatly emphasized over reviving the event of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (a.s.) so that the future generations may benefit from the lessons that this great event....
Read More »Prophecies Regarding the Tragedy of Karbala from Ancient Books
As much great an event is, as much it is worthy of mention. A great proof of the importance of the tragedy of Karbala’ is also that not only the humans, jinns and angels have kept its remembrance alive, the Lord Creator of the Universe has continuously mentioned it in...
Read More »Is there any Reason for the Permissibility of Chest Beating and Self-Hitting?
Why some Muslims beat their chest and hit themselves during Muharram? Isn't it haram to hit or hurt yourself? Do we have any example for the Prophet doing this? Did any Imams hit....
Read More »Imam Khomeini’s Instructions Regarding Mourning for Imam Husayn (A.S)
Some youth who do not have bad intentions, believe that we now need to speak the language of the day, when the truth is that the words of Imam Hussain (as) are the words of the..
Read More »Answering the Jurisprudential-Theological Doubts of Mourning
Even in the Sunnī sources there are permissible for crying. Where is this order followed in these Sunnī circles? Only a dry Wahhabī tendency has such views and problems, not the majority of Sunnīs whose proofs are....
Read More »Analysis of the Attribution of Tazkirāt Al-A’ima to Allāma Muhammad Bāqir al-Majlesi
Disagreement exists among historical biographers in attributing the authorship of Tazkirat al-A’ima to either Allāma Muhammad Bāqir Bin Muhammad Taqii Majlesi or his contemporary scholar of the same name, Muhamad Bāqir....
Read More »The Authenticity of Ziyarat ʿĀshūrāʾ
The version of the ziyārat that Sayyid al-Zanjānī speaks to, and that is found in by Shaykh ʿAbbās al-Qummī’s Mafātīh al-Jinān, is originally cited in Shaykh al-Ṭūsī’s compilation of prayers, entitled Miṣbāḥ.....
Read More »Discovering the Unseen: An Interview on Istikhārah with Ayatollah Muḥammad ʿAlī Girāmī
Istikhārah is of two types: the first is a prayer to attain something desired, which is the [literal meaning of istikhārah, namely] “seeking what is good,” from God. The second type is a means of consulting God, so that He may show us the....
Read More »The Legacy of Mubahila
Eid al-Mubahila celebrates the famous event in the year 10 AH when a party of Christians, led by the Bishop of Najran called Abdul Masih (or Abu Harisa), came to debate with the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) about the nature of...
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