This article addresses the necessity of the existence of the Representative of Allah on the earth at any time. The opponents of Shi’a protest that although Shi’a consider the Imam necessary in order to expound the injunctions and verities of religion and to guide the people, the occultation of the Imam is the negation of....
Read More »Contraction and Expansion the Powers of the Agents of the Islamic System based on the Theory of Wilāyah al-Faqih
The Contraction and Expansion of the powers of the agents of the Islamic system is one of the most challengeable discussions in four decades after the constitution of the Islamic Republic. It is essential to be observed in the ....
Read More »A Brief Look into the Life of Imam Hassan al-Akskari
Imam Hassan al-Askari (AS) the eleventh holy Imam of the Shi'ites in the world was martyred by poisoning by the Abbasid caliph on 8th Rabi al-Awwal 260 A.H. and was buried beside his holy father Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi (AS) in the city of...
Read More »Shi’a Communications were most Extensive at the Time of Imam Hassan al-Askari (as)
At the time of Imam Ridha, Imam Jawad, Imam Hadi and Imam Hassan al-Askari (pbut), the Shia communications were more extensive than any other time, said Ayatollah Khamenei....
Read More »Call for Participation: Typologies of Western Islam in European Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries and Lexicons in the 18th and 19th Centuries
This international conference on the "Typologies of Western Islam in European Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries and Lexicons in the 18th and 19th Centuries", is a continuation of the conference on "Islamic Resonances in the West", organized at the University of La Réunion by...
Read More »Harmony & Peaceful Co-existence between the Muslims according to Ayatollah Sistani’s View
Everyone who wishes for the advancement of Islam and the progress of Muslims should put their utmost effort in bringing them together and in reducing levels of tension that rise from some political leanings so that it does not lead to further division and...
Read More »The Jurisprudential Sects of Islam
The divisions of Muslims became widespread after the murder of the third khalīfa, ‛Uthmān bin ‛Affān. At that time the Muslims swore allegiance to Imām ‛Alī bin Abī Tālib (a) but Mu‛āwīyah bin Abī Sufyān refused to swear allegiance to...
Read More »Call for Papers: Islamic Philosophy and Theology in Contemporary Engagements
The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology’s fourth annual conference will be held December 2 - 4, 2022. It will be a hybrid conference, with some papers presented online via Zoom, and some in person on the...
Read More »Call for Papers: What Is the European Qur’ān?
The Nantes Université researchers of the ERC project EuQu – The European Qur’ān are pleased to announce the organisation of a conference devoted to the problem of defining the nature of the Qur’ān in...
Read More »A Survey into the Intellectual Legacy of Imam al-Riḍā (ʿa) from the Viewpoint of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi
The scientific debates and discussions held by Imam ʿAli ibn Musā al-Riḍā (ʿa) are not a historical matter which only pertains to the past; they are rather a main source which should be utilized today for the....
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