Based on a detailed analysis of several categories of sources, this book demonstrates that Shi‘ism is the religion of the Imam, of the Master of Wisdom, just like Christianity is that of Christ, and that ‘Alī is the...
Read More »The Renaissance of Shiʿi Islam, Facets of Thought and Practice
The chapters in this open access book represent the most recent scholarship on the intellectual and spiritual life of the age and discuss what prepared the ground for its appearance as well as its achievements....
Read More »Twelver Shī‘īsm and Answering Shī‘ī Reformists
As societies have meandered through different epochs, expansions and ideas, it has only been natural for existing notions and ideas to be challenged, and this is a necessary and natural part of...
Read More »Shaykh Isa Qassim Slams Participation in Parliamentary Election as ‘Betrayal’
Bahrain’s most prominent Shia cleric has reiterated the call to boycott parliamentary elections, saying participation in the elections amounts to betrayal....
Read More »Shī‘ā Scholar Appreciated Al-Azhar’s Shaykh Initiative on Islamic Dialogue
Following the recent statements of the Sheikh of University of Al-Azhar in the “Dialogue Assembly of Bahrain: East and West for Human Coexistence” and his emphasis on the necessity of Islamic-Islamic dialogues, Hojjatul-Islam Sayyid Abul Hassan Nawab, Secretary of the...
Read More »Twelve Infallible Men: The Imams and the Making of Shi’ism
Twelve Infallible Men focuses on the role of narratives of the imams in the development of a distinct Shiˀa identity. During the tenth century, at a critical juncture in Islamic history, a group of scholars began assembling definitive works containing accounts of the...
Read More »Contradictions of Civil Law with Islamic Law and its Implication on a Muslim’s Responsibility
This paper aims to understand the implications of civil law on a Muslim’s responsibility resulting from contradictions between civil law and Islamic law. The research uses the...
Read More »Religious Diversity in Contemporary Shi‘i Thought: The Views of Ayatollah ‘Abdollah Javadi-Amoli and Professor Mahmoud Ayoub
This book analyses the views of two contemporary Shi‘i thinkers, Ayatollah ‘Abdullah Javadi-Amoli and Professor Mahmoud Mustafa Ayoub, who have tried to deal with the challenges posed by the above three types of theology from an Islamic...
Read More »Imam Hasan al-Askari: A Brief Excursion into the Life and Thought of the Fourteen Immaculates
The brilliant sun of Islam dawned like the appearance of lightning among the stormy events of history, illuminating the world of humanity which was in darkness with its radiant light, illuminating the hearts and minds of the people whom it made aware of and invited to the possibility of....
Read More »The Political Life during the Age of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S)
The Alawids were severely tried and extremely burdened during most periods of the Abbasid rule. The Abbasid kings officially oppressed the Alawids, and pursued and punished them severely. They imposed on them economical blockade until they were in...
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