A delegation from the Vatican, headed by the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, conveyed the Pope’s message of gratitude to the office of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani, the...
Read More »Ayatollah Khamenei’s Message on Release of Spanish Version of His Book
In the ceremony announcing the official release of the Spanish translation of the book "Cell Number 14" in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, Ayatollah Khamenei's message to all the Spanish speaking people of the world was published...
Read More »Why Does the Imam al-Mahdi Not Write a Book to Guide People during the Occultation?
At present we are living in the period of Greater Occultation which is the period of “general deputyship”. That is, guidance of the Shiites is an obligation as well as a responsibility of the grand jurists and prominent religious scholars who bear the necessary qualifications and the...
Read More »Does Imam al-Mahdi (aj) Have a Spouse and Children?
Although it is possible for the imam (as) to have a spouse and children, and such a matter is in no way in conflict with his occultation, nevertheless, there isn't any substantial hadithic reasoning that proves anything regarding this subject. It can be said that just as how Allah (swt) wished for...
Read More »When the Imam al-Mahdi Reappears, How Many Prophets and Imams Will Return and Accompany his Reappearance?
It has been narrated that after the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam (aj) and his establishment of a global Islamic government and prior to the Day of Judgment, certain individuals will be raised from their graves and brought back to...
Read More »Is it Mandatory to Know the Imam of the Time?
It is mandatory to know the Imam of the time, that people are not helpless in the matter of discarding the obedience of the true Imam, that the one who dies without knowing the Imam of his time will die a death of...
Read More »International Intensive Academic Course on Shiʿi Theology
Hikmat International Institute in association with the University of Exeter and Tehran University will be organizing an intensive academic course on Shiʿi Theology from August 1 to 23, 2023. The course will be offered online on the Zoom platform and English will be the language of...
Read More »The Characteristics of Those Who Wait Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
The utopia of those who wait possesses many constituents, one of which is knowledge. It suffices for the significance of knowledge that it counts as the criterion of deciding what is invaluable or worthless. With knowledge one can acquire supremacy, and without it one will have no...
Read More »Call for Papers: Representations of Islam in Germanophone Literature
This Special Issue "Representations of Islam in Germanophone Literature: Cultural Perspectives from the Enlightenment to the Present" invites contributions with a focus on intercultural relationships by using the example of religion, an indispensable element in discourses of...
Read More »Specialized Course: Methodology of the Qur’an’s Responses to Non-Muslims’ Doubts
Center for studies and responding to religious debates (Islamic Seminaries) in Cooperation with Baqir al-Olum University will present an Specialized Course on Studying and Responding to Religious Doubts, Methodology of The Qur'an's Responses to....
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