There has been difference in opinion even among the Muslims regarding the extent of permissibility of Niqab and whether it is really recommended or advised. Today, unfortunately the Niqab has been commonly worn or associated with the Wahhabis and Salafis, and some Muslims view the Niqab to be a taboo …
Read More »Halal Restaurant Guide App Launched for Russia World Cup Fans
Crave Halal, the number one ranked halal restaurants mobile app in the Apple App Store, is now making lives easier for the traveling Muslim fans visiting Russia for the ongoing FIFA World Cup 2018...
Read More »Challenging the ‘Shiʿi Century’: the Fatimids (909-1171), Buyids (945-1055)
“Challenging the 'Shiʿi Century': the Fatimids (909-1171), Buyids (945-1055), and the creation of a sectarian narrative of Medieval Islamic history” focuses on two Shiʿi dynasties of the tenth century, the Fatimid caliphate (909-1171) of Egypt and...
Read More »Sheikh Hussayn al-Hilli, the Great Shia Faqih
Ḥusayn al-Ḥillī, the great Imami Jurist of 14th century, was one of the students of Mirza Muhammad Husayn Na'ini and Diya' al-Din 'Iraqi. He was the teacher of al-Sayyid Muhammad Taqi al-Hakim, al-Sayyid Muhammad Sa'id al-Hakim, and...
Read More »Is the Qurʾan a Legal Text: Law and Morality in Islam’s Most Sacred Book
For over a millennium, the Qurʾan has functioned as the ultimate source of authority for Muslims across the world. This authority is not particular to matters of worship; rather, it extends to how Muslims eat, drink, marry, conduct business, and govern their behavior in...
Read More »“Imam Mahdi” Islamic Association of Rome Opens in Italy
On 5th May 2018 the “Imam Mahdi” Islamic Centre of Rome officially began its religious and cultural activities. The Opening ceremony started in the early afternoon with a conference on the “Role and Responsibility of Islamic Centres in Italy”...
Read More »Music in Islam, Christianity and Judaism
One does not naturally think of traditional nuns of the Order of St Benedict as popular singers, yet the sisters from a rural Missouri monastery, The Heart of Mary, have become something of a hit. Their albums are ranked as best-selling by...
Read More »A History of the Shiʻa People by Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
This book deals with the history of the Shi‘a Ithna-‘Ashari Muslim community from the early days of Islam up to present day. Starting with a brief note on the origin of the Shia faith, the book describes the...
Read More »One Day Course: The Role of Women in Islam’s House of Worship
This July IIDR (The Islamic Institute for Development & Research) will be using Dr Jasser Auda’s latest book, Reclaiming the Mosque, to understand the historical lead up to...
Read More »Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (a.s.) from the Viewpoint of Sunni Scholars
It is known from various history books and various sources of Hadith that when Imam As-Sadiq was a young boy, he used to come to the schools and Madrasas founded by his father the 5th...
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