This paper attempts to investigate some aspects of al-Sadr’s economic thought by focusing on his view on the nature, subject matter and methodology of Islamic economics, areas that have not received sufficient attention by...
Read More »Call for Entries: Encyclopedia of Islamic Economics and Finance
This study seeks to offer an introductory account focusing on the subjects of Islamic finance and economics. There is visible need for such an account since there is no comprehensive literature that can be employed in courses being offered in courses on....
Read More »When does Khums become Wajib?
Khums should be divided into two parts. One part is for the Sādāts which should be given to a sayyid who is poor, or orphan or who has become penniless during journey. The other portion of...
Read More »What Is the Ruling on Bank Interest in Non-Muslim Countries?
I wanted to ask a question regarding interest which you get from the bank. I mean are we allowed to accept it, because this is what we call "riba" and I heard that taking it is...
Read More »Understanding Islamic Finance
In Understanding Islamic Finance Muhammad Ayub introduces all the essential elements of this growing market by providing an in-depth background to the subject and clear descriptions of all the...
Read More »Islamic Moral Economy Foundations of Islamic Finance
The reform movement in the Muslim world can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth century and the search for authentic Islamic institutions has dominated the objectives of the....
Read More »Haram Business and Trade
Islamic laws are of five types: obligatory (wajib), recommended (mustahab), discouraged (makruh), permissible (mubah) and forbidden (haram). Business, trades and professions in Islam would also fall into these....
Read More »The Moral Basis of Economics in Islam
No doubt, morality permeates Islam. It’s essentially moral teachings are comprehensive enough to render the individual and societal conditions, including the economic status, wholesome; this is...
Read More »Call for Application: Ahl al-Bayt Fellowship for Graduate Studies
The Ahlul Bayt Fellowship will be awarded each year by Mohsena Memorial Foundation (MMF) in the memory of our Founder, Syed-Mohsin Naquvi, to a student pursuing graduate studies with the intent to earn a...
Read More »Women’s Inheritance in Islam
In Islam, men and women have equivalent rights, including but not limited to working, acquiring wealth, possession of property, and the concept of inheritance....
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