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Governing & Policy

Islamic religious authorities must pursue the tragedy of Mina until they get to the bottom of it.

In order to pursue the causes of this great tragedy, a fact-finding committee including members from your organization and some of the members of the bereaved families as well as representatives of responsible international organizations has to be set up as soon as possible, and they have to get to …

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Ayatollah Araki has visited Pakistani religious leaders only to find Sunni-Shia ties ‘surprisingly cordial’ in a land notorious for sectarian violence. Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (WFPIST) Ayatollah Mohsen Araki attended in Pakistan a series of joint meetings of Sunni and Shia major religious leaders …

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Iran Supreme Leader Threatens Saudis with Severe Reaction if Disrespecting the Hajj Pilgrims

Iran Supreme Leader Threatens Saudi Arabia with Severe Reaction if Disrespecting the Hajj Pilgrims. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei says Saudi Arabia has not made good on its obligations regarding the recent deadly Hajj incident, saying Iran’s possible response will be”tough and harsh.” “Should we decide …

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