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Call for Papers: Human Rights, Migration, and Global Governance

A Conference titled “Human Rights, Migration, and Global Governance” will be held jointly by The Academic Council on the United Nations System and the Human Rights sections of the International Studies Association, American Political Science Association, International Political Science Association, and European Consortium for Political Research.

For Secretary-General António Guterres, who was the High Commissioner for Refugees for a decade (2005–2015) before being elected to lead the UN, one of the most pressing issues currently facing the world body is the large-scale voluntary and involuntary (forced) movement of people across borders. While 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, political, economic, and environmental dysfunction and collapse in their own countries has driven a record high number of people to seek a safer or better life elsewhere. Equally present especially in the West, have been counter-reactions to immigration based on political, social, economic, and security concerns. One reason the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union, with Prime Minister Theresa May triggering “Brexit”, is because of voters’ concerns over the perceived threat of uncontrollable migration. President Trump likewise won office in the US election in part by appealing to many American voters’ fears of immigrants – whether from Mexico (the ‘wall’) or from conflict zones such as Syria.

The global governance and human rights issues in this contemporary era are manifest and complex. The Sustainable Development Goals will be impossible to achieve in the context of state failure, political conflicts, major climate disruptions, and mass population displacements. The rights of citizens also must be balanced against the rights of those fleeing persecution and desperation; more often, the latter are disregarded as populist movements refocus national discourses away from cosmopolitan ideals. These complex ‘wicked problems’ present severe contemporary challenges for the institutions, as well as the idea (and ideals), of global governance.

The conference welcomes proposals for individual workshop papers and full workshop panels addressing the following themes related to these dynamics, as well as other proposals related to topics of the United Nations, global governance and human rights:

-Is support for global governance institutions, and for global human rights norms, declining as a result of resurgent populist movements?

-Has support for the international refugee regime declined?

-What global governance and human rights challenges arise from the increasing mobility of people?

-What are the links between development, migration and human rights, and how do these relate to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?

-How can global/regional governance institutions help to address these issues, and what challenges do such institutions face?

-What innovative approaches might be taken – and by whom – to address the linkages between borders, migration, and human rights?

Important Dates
Conference Date: Thursday to Saturday, July 12-14, 2018

Deadline for uploading the Proposals:  Monday, February 5, 2018

Venue: LUISS University, Rome

Call for Papers – Workshop Panels

The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) now is accepting Workshop paper and panel proposals for presentation at its twenty-eighth Annual Meeting, July 12 – 14, 2018 at LUISS University in Rome, Italy, in cooperation with the Human Rights partner bodies noted below. Proposals addressing the Annual Meeting theme, and issues raised in the introductory note, in addition to other topics relating to human rights, the UN system and the broader mandate of the Academic Council, will be considered.

Current ACUNS and Human Rights partner organizations’ members in good standing (including new members) will be given priority consideration for their proposals, but non-members are welcome to submit proposals.


-To register, and to submit proposals for presentation, visit: www.acuns.org/am2018

-Deadline: The deadline for uploading your proposals at www.acuns.org is Monday, February 5, 2018.

-Submissions: To submit an individual proposal or a full panel proposal, you will be required to upload full contact information, the paper/panel title(s), abstract(s) of no more than 200 words, and biographical note(s) of no more than 250 words.

-Registration: Once your proposal is accepted you are required to register for the 2018 Annual Meeting at www.acuns.org/am2018

Registration Fees:

Panel Presenter $150

Attendee (non-presenter) $225

Student Presenter $75

Student Attendee $125

Questions about submissions: contact the ACUNS Secretariat at: admin@acuns.org


About Ali Teymoori

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