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Call for Papers: Governance and Violence in Islamic Law

A workshop titled “Governance and Violence in Islamic Law”  will be held on 24th November 2017 at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies University of Exeter Funded by the Understanding Sharia Project.

It invites paper proposals on the topic of “Governance and Violence in Islamic Law” for this one – day workshop, held under the auspices of the USPPIP project (Understanding Shar ia: Past Perfect, Imperfect Present). The workshop covers the specific focus of two elements of the project – violence (studied by Exeter USPPIP research team) and governance (studied by the Bergen USPPIP research team). The workshop is convened by the USPPIP team members Drs Omar Anchassi and Eiri k Hovden and Professors Robert Gleave and Knut Vikor.

Important Dates

Abstracts Submission Deadline: 4th September 2017

Conference Dates: 24th November 2017

Venue: Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies University of Exeter

Paper proposals of a maximum of 200 words are invited, addressing questions linked to the workshop theme, including:

  • How do the topics of governance and violence interrelate in Islamic legal thought and practice?
  • How are past instances of rules concerning governance and violence used to justify contemporary Muslim legal thought and practice?
  • Does the state have a monopoly on the use of violence in Islamic law, and is there space for vigilantism in Islamic law?

Papers discussing other aspects of the relationship between governance and violence are welcome.

Abstracts should be submitted to usppip@exeter.ac.uk before Monday 4th September 2017. Those giving papers selected for the workshop will have travel expenses and accommodation/subsistence provided by the USPPIP project.

The Understanding Shari’a project This 2 – year project examines the way in which past practices act used in the contemporary development of Islamic legal thought and practice. The project is funded under the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA.info) “Uses of the Past” joint research programme. The USPPIP project is a collaboration between the universities of Exeter, Gottingen, Bergen and Leiden.  You will find m ore information on the USPPIP website: www.usppip.eu.

If you have questions concerning USPPIP and its activities or to be added to the USPPIP mailing list, please contact Mrs Pam Navran, USPPIP project administrator on usppip@exeter.ac.uk.

About Ali Teymoori

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