Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: 5th International Conference on Ethnic & Religious Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding

Call for Papers: 5th International Conference on Ethnic & Religious Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding

This international conference will serve as an international forum where researchers, scholars, policy makers and practitioners will have an opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from the traditional rulers from various countries around the world.

The mainstream research and studies on conflict resolution have until now relied in large measure on theories, principles, models, methods, processes, cases, practices and body of literature developed in Western cultures and institutions. However, little or no attention has been given to the systems and processes of conflict resolution that were historically utilized in ancient societies or are currently being used by traditional rulers – kings, queens, chiefs, village heads – and indigenous leaders at the grassroots level and in different parts of the world to mediate and resolve disputes, restore justice and harmony, and foster peaceful coexistence in their various constituencies, communities, regions and countries….

The International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation believes that an international conference on the Traditional Systems of Conflict Resolution is highly needed at this crucial time in world history…By organizing and hosting an international conference on the traditional systems of conflict resolution, we hope to not only begin a pluri-disciplinary, policy, and legal discussion on the traditional systems of conflict resolution, but most importantly, this international conference will serve as an international forum where researchers, scholars, policy makers and practitioners will have an opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from the traditional rulers from various countries around the world. In turn, the traditional rulers will discover emerging research and best practices presented by scholars and practitioners at the conference. The outcome of the exchange, inquiry and discussion will inform the international community on the roles and importance of the traditional systems of conflict resolution in our contemporary world.

Presentations at this international conference on the traditional systems of conflict resolution will be given by two groups of people. The first group of presenters are the delegates representing the councils of traditional rulers or indigenous leaders from various countries around the world who are invited to share best practices and speak on the roles the traditional rulers play in the peaceful resolution of conflict, promotion of social cohesion, peaceful coexistence and harmony, restorative justice, national security, and sustainable peace and development in their various countries. The second group of presenters are experts, researchers, scholars and policy makers whose accepted abstracts cover a wide range of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research studies on the traditional systems of conflict resolution, including, but not limited to, theoretical frameworks, models, cases, practices, historical analyses, comparative studies, sociological studies, policy and legal studies (both national and international), economic studies, cultural and ethnic studies, systems design, and processes of traditional systems of conflict resolution.

Important Dates

Conference Date: October 30 – November 1, 2018

Abstract Submission Deadline: 29 June 2018

Venue: 11 W Prospect Ave, NY 10550, USA

Website: https://www.icermediation.org/featuredevents/2018-annual-international-conference-on-ethnic-and-religious-conflict-resolution-and-peacebuilding/#1510358139320-3f47e29f-f864


Papers for presentation must be between 3,500 and 4,000 words, submitted with 300-350 word abstracts, and a biography of no more than 50 words. Authors can send their 300-350 word abstracts before submitting the full paper.

All abstracts, full papers, graphic materials and inquiries should be sent by email to: icerm@icermediation.org.

About Ali Teymoori

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