Home / Conferences / Call for Papers: The Sixth Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies

Call for Papers: The Sixth Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies

Following British Association for Islamic Studies BRAIS’s successful conferences in Edinburgh (2014), London (2015 and 2016), Chester (2017) and Exeter (2018), the organisers invite proposals for whole panels or individual papers for the Sixth Annual Conference of BRAIS.

Islamic Studies is broadly understood to include all disciplinary approaches to the study of Islam and Muslim societies (majority and minority), modern and premodern.

Plenary sessions at the conference

The conference committee is very pleased to announce that plenary lectures at the conference will be delivered by Maribel Fierro (CSIC, Madrid) on ‘Rulers as Authors in the Medieval Islamic West’; Khaled Fahmy (University of Cambridge) on ‘Implementing Shari’a in Modern Egypt: A Medical Perspective’, and Alison Scott-Baumann (SOAS, London) and the ‘Re/presenting Islam on Campus’ team.

How to submit you panel/paper proposal

For panels, a 200-word outline of the theme of the panel, together with 200-word abstracts of each paper and the details of each presenter, should be submitted using the form which is available Here. Please save the document as follows: “Surname of panel chair_first name of panel chair_panel”. Example: “Smith_John_panel”.

For individual papers, a 200-word abstract of the paper should be submitted using the form which is available Here. Please save the document as follows: “Your surname_your first name_paper”. Example: “Smith_John_paper”.

Important Dates

Conference Date: 15 – 16 April 2019

Paper Submission Deadline: 30 November 2018

Venue: University of Nottingham

All panel and paper submissions must be in English. Submissions in languages other than English will not be considered.

All completed forms should be sent by email attachment to brais@ed.ac.uk by midnight (GMT) on Friday 30 November 2018. You will receive an auto-email notification confirming the receipt of your form.

Please do not email the BRAIS account asking for confirmation of its receipt unless you have not received the automatic notification email before the closing deadline. Any submission received after the deadline will not normally be considered for presentation.

All panel and individual paper proposals will be reviewed by two members of the BRAIS Conference Committee. We will contact you at the end of January 2019 to inform you as to whether your panel/paper has been accepted.

A number of fee waivers will be available for UK-based PhD students whose papers are accepted for the BRAIS 2019 conference. Fee waivers will include delegate fee plus all catering and accommodation costs. More details to be announced later this year.

Apart from the fee waivers for UK-based PhD students noted just above, we regret that we cannot offer any kind of financial assistance to scholars whose papers have been accepted for the BRAIS 2019 conference.

If you have any questions, please contact the Conference Committee on: brais@ed.ac.uk.

About Ali Teymoori

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