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Call for Papers: Scriptural Sexuality in the Three Traditions

The volume will explore the presentation, or mis-presentation, of sexual/ised characters through one, or more, of the three traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Professor John Tracy Greene (May 05, 1944 – March 25, 2021) was a religious studies scholar, a biblical scholar and an archaeologist. Together with the late Prof. Mishael Caspi, they founded and coordinated the “Biblical Characters in the Three Traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)” ISBL seminar.

The volume Scriptural Sexuality is dedicated to the memory of John. In line with his interreligious, comparative approach to the study of religions and the Bible, it will comprise of new scholarship on the broader theme of sexuality in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The volume will explore the presentation, or mis-presentation, of sexual/ised characters through one, or more, of the three traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Such characters may vary, and include, for example, divine, human, animal, vegetal, and other characters.

Articles are invited that examine expressions, in relation to such characters, of sexuality in various scriptural texts.

These expressions might include, but are not limited to, sexual views; literary and visual portrayals; laws; ritual, medical, or other relevant practices; sexual orientation; gender; non/marital sexual relations; asexuality; or the denial of sexuality. They might be an early feature (e.g., in scripture) or a later development (as part of reception history or legal theory), up to current times.

Articles might use a single or several perspectives, such as theology, art, literature, history, archaeology, law, medicine, or other disciplines.

Important Data

Abstracts of up to 300 words should be submitted by 15th January 2022.

Potential contributors who wish to present their contribution in the “Characters in the Three Traditions” seminar (ISBL 2022, Salzburg), please contact Zohar Hadromi-Allouche.

Contact Info:

Zohar Hadromi-Allouche hadromiz@tcd.ie

Nirmal Fernando curlsu@hotmail.com

Keren Abbou-Hershkovits kabbou@gmail.com

About Ali Teymoori

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