Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: Narrative and Ethics: The Morals of the Qurʾanic Stories and Beyond

Call for Papers: Narrative and Ethics: The Morals of the Qurʾanic Stories and Beyond

The Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE) College of Islamic Studies Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar has called for research papers to a closed three-day seminar on “Narrative and Ethics: The Morals of the Qurʾanic Stories and Beyond”

The Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics invites scholars, academics and researchers to submit their research papers to a closed three-day seminar on “Narrative and Ethics: The Morals of the Qurʾanic Stories and Beyond” to be held in Doha, Qatar during January 27-29 2020.

Accepted papers will be published in a peer-review outlet, in collaboration with Brill Publishers.

Relevant Fields of Study

Narrative Ethics, Moral Philosophy, Sufi Studies, Medicine & Bioethics.

Important Data

  1. August 29, 2019: Deadline for receiving abstract (300-500 words only) identifying the research statement of the problem, the main question and the sub-questions to be addressed – and the proposed methodology to answer the questions. Find the research questions and more details in the attached background paper.
  2. September 5, 2019: Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be notified and invited to write the full papers.
  3. November 25, 2019: Deadline for receiving a draft of the paper. Drafts should be 2,000 to 7,000 words in length and written in either English or Arabic. They should be sent to QuranicStories@cilecenter.org Please also include a 250-word author biography
  4. December 05, 2019: Participants will receive an official invitation.
  5. January 27-29, 2020: The seminar will be held at the Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE) in Doha, Qatar.
  6. Costs of travel and accommodation will be covered by CILE.
  7. Costs of open-access publication in a refereed venue will be covered by CILE, as well as costs of translation from English into Arabic, or from Arabic into English.
  8. April 01, 2020: Participants will be expected to offer complete versions of their papers within two months after the seminar. These should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words.

Questions about the theme or scope of this symposium should be sent to Dr. Samer Rashwani (srashwani@hotmail.com)

About Ali Teymoori

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