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Call for Papers: Islamic Art in Exchange

The 18th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society wishes to continue discussions around transregional and global aspects of exchange in the material culture of the Islamic world as well as reception of Islamic art in other cultures.

Sometimes marked as the ‘global shift’ or the ‘decolonial turn’, fields within the Humanities have, since the 1980s, gradually opened up for cultures in regions beyond the West. Art History and Archaeology concerned with the so-called Islamic world, too, have experienced increased interest in exchange – be it an interaction of different places, cultures and/or times within regions dominated by Muslims, or communication with areas beyond the main lands of Islam. Of particular interest in these scholarly investigations are the nature of the transfer as well as the various levels of cultural appropriation or translation
taking place when things and ideas travel from one cultural area to the next.

The 18th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society wishes to continue discussions around transregional and global aspects of exchange in the material culture of the Islamic world as well as reception of Islamic art in other cultures. Through case studies resulting from new and original research it aims to gain a better understanding of the state of the art and concepts of the Global in the field of Islamic Art History and Archaeology, pertinent research questions, and their place within the broader discussions following the decolonial turn.

We invite topics and papers that may include, but are not limited to:

  • The reception of African, Asian or European cultures in Islamic material culture
    • The reception of Islamic material culture in other cultures
    • Exchange of geographical areas within the Islamic world
    • Exchange in modern and contemporary art from or affiliated with the MENA-


The Colloquium takes place at Munich (Germany) in the Museum Fünf Kontinente (Museum Five Continents) and is organised by Ilse Sturkenboom of the University of Munich in collaboration with the Museum. It will start with a keynote lecture on the evening of Thursday 6 July 2023. The Colloquium continues with the main sessions on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 July 2023. A meeting for graduate students will take place on Thursday 6 July 2023. A separate call will be circulated for the graduate meeting. The annual general assembly of the Ernst Herzfeld Society will be held on Saturday 8 July. Guided tours and viewings will be offered in the Museum Fünf Kontinente and in other collections in Munich during the Colloquium and on Sunday 9 July 2023.


Please submit your paper or panel proposal by 12 March 2023 to Theresa Zischkin (T.Zischkin@campus.lmu.de) with the subject line “Proposal EHG2023”.
• Individual papers: Please submit a title and an abstract of 250–300 words.
• Pre-arranged panels need to contain three or four presentations. Please submit a title and an abstract of no more than 500 words outlining the topic and the aim of the panel in addition to a list of speakers and their abstracts.
• The preferred language of the Colloquium is English while papers can be presented also in German and other languages. Each presentation is limited to 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

All proposals will undergo a peer-review selection process. Acceptance will be notified by mid-April 2023. For applications and questions regarding the graduate meeting (separate call), please contact Suzanne Compagnon: suzanne.compagnon@univie.ac.at

Registration for and participation in the Colloquium are free for members of the Society.
Other speakers and participants are asked to join the Society by paying the annual membership fee. Please see: https://ernst-herzfeld-gesellschaft.com/en/beitrittsformular/

All proposals will undergo a peer-review selection process. Acceptance will be notified by mid-April 2023.
For applications and questions regarding the graduate meeting (separate call), please contact Suzanne Compagnon: suzanne.compagnon@univie.ac.at
Registration for and participation in the Colloquium are free for members of the Society.
Other speakers and participants are asked to join the Society by paying the annual membership fee.

We kindly request that speakers and participants make their own provisions for travel and accommodation. Please see the following arrangements with some hotels in the vicinity of the Colloquium. Updates on contingents will be circulated as we approach the dates of the Colloquium.
• Carlton Astoria Hotel, Fürstenstraße 12, 80333 Munich: between 5 July and 10 July 2023, 15 single rooms are available for EUR 105,00 and 5 double rooms for EUR 135,00 a day; including breakfast. Please book before 7 June 2023 by sending an email with subject EHG2023 to Service@Carlton-Astoria.de
• Hotel Antares, Amalienstraße 20, 80333 Munich: no contingents available and, as prices are likely to rise, a timely booking is strongly recommended. In January 2023, the prices for July 2023 were ca. EUR 102,00 a day for a single room and ca.
EUR 110,50 or EUR 119,00 for a double room. Please book by sending an email with subject EHG2023 to hotel@antares-muenchen.de
• Fleming’s Hotel Munich City, Bayerstraße 47, 80335 Munich: single rooms are available for EUR 120,00 and double rooms for EUR 140,00 a day; including breakfast. Please book before 23 June 2023 by sending an email with subject EHG2023 to muenchen-city@flemings-hotels.com
• Hotel Hauser an der Universität, Schellingstraße 11, 80799 München: single rooms are available for EUR 93,00 and double rooms for EUR 132,00 a day. These prices include breakfast. Please book before 5 May 2023 by sending an email with subject EHG2023 to info@hotel-hauser.de

For low-cost options, that might be further removed from the venue, we recommend considering:
• Wombat’s City Hostels Munich Hauptbahnhof or Werksviertel
• Sunny Apartments in Laim
• Hotel Seibel
• Bento Inn
Contact Email: T.Zischkin@campus.lmu.de

URL: https://ernst-herzfeld-gesellschaft.com

About Ali Teymoori

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