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Call for Papers: Comparative Philosophy of Religion

The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (JPTR) has called for papers for the subject of its special issue on “Comparative Philosophy of Religion”.

The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (JPTR) is an Open- Access double-blind peer-reviewed Academic quarterly journal that publishes original researches, written in an analytical way in various philosophical areas such as: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, Philosophy of Action, Ethics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science.

The subject of special issue of JPTR (autumn 2023) is “Comparative Philosophy of Religion”. In this issue, the views of Muslim and Western philosophers on the most important issues of the philosophy of religion will be discussed.

All submissions must contain original unpublished work not being considered for publication elsewhere and must follow the submission guidelines given on the journal’s homepage:


Submission Last Date: 22 My 2023
Publication Date: Autumn 2023

Instructions for Authors

The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (JPTR) is an Open- Access double-blind peer-reviewed Academic quarterly journal that publishes original research, written in an analytical way.

 JPTR accepts the articles the authors write on their research achievements in the format of analysis, comparison, and criticism. The journal welcomes research that contains new findings and is fundamental.


Manuscript Submission

 1.      The article should be sent via the journal’s website (http://pfk.qom.ac.ir).

2.      The articles should not have already been published previously or sent to another journal at the same time.

3.      Please do not post several articles at once.

4.     Author names, affiliations, and any other potentially identifying information should be removed from the manuscript text.
5.     Three files should be submitted, the title page, main text, and Conflict of interest form.


Length of Paper

     The length of the articles should be between 6500 and 9000 words.


Title Page

The Title Page contains the title, author names, affiliations, email addresses, and contact information of the corresponding author.
Any acknowledgments, disclosures, or funding information should also be included on this page.



* Abstract should include the objectives, methods, and results of the research.

* The length of the abstract should be between 200 and 250 words.

* Please provide 4 to 6 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes.


Min Text

 * The article must contain a title, an abstract,  an introduction, the main text, the conclusion, and a list of references.

* The article should be typed in Microsoft Office Word (2011, 2007, 2003 ) and with a “Times New Roman” font. The size of the font for the main text should be 12 and the footnotes should be 9.

* The main text file of the article should not contain the name of the author(s) or any thanks notes to individuals or organizations that have funded the research.

*Please do not provide references directly or indirectly to the author(s) in the text and footnotes.


Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list.

*Please use footnotes instead of endnotes.



* The articles that are accepted can cite thanks to individuals or organizations that have funded the research before the list of references.


Citations and References

The author (s) should follow the 7th edition of the APA style in referencing. 

 *Citations within the text should be written in parenthesis: (author’s surname, the year of publication, the page number).

* In case you have provided a reference to an author that has two books that have been published in the same year, you should distinguish them by using the words “a” and “b” after the year of publication.

*The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text.

*Journal names and book titles should be italicized.

 *References at the end of the text should be sorted alphabetically and based on the following order:

Journal Article: author’s surname, the first letter of the author’s name. the year of publication (in parenthesis). the title of the article. the title of the journal (italic), (number of volumes)( number of issues), and the page numbers.

Haji, I. (1994). Changing obligations and immutable blameworthiness. Theoria, 60(1), 48-62. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-2567.1994.tb00877.x

* If available, please always include DOIs as full DOI links in your reference list (e.g. “https://doi.org/abc”).

Book: author’s surname, the first letter of the author’s name, the year of publication (in parenthesis), the title of the book(italic), the translator/ editor/ collector,  and the publisher’s name.

 Murphy, N. & Brown, W. S. (2007). Did my neurons make me do it? Philosophical and neuro-biological perspectives on moral responsibility and free will.  Oxford University Press.

Chapter of a book: author’s surname, the first letter of the author’s name, the year of publication (in parenthesis), the title of the article, in+ the name of the collector or editor, the title of the book (italic),(the page numbers),  the publisher name.

  Kane, R. (2014). New arguments on debates on libertarian free will: Responses to contributors. In D. Palmer (Ed.), Libertarian free will: Contemporary debates (172-214). Oxford University Press.

Online resource: author’s surname, the first letter of the author’s name, and the title of the article. the address of the website (italic). and the date that the article has been received.

Wierenga, E. (2021). Omniscience. In Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2021/entries/omniscience/.

Responsibility of the Article

 1. Authors(s) are solely responsible for the accuracy of the article. Therefore, the articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board.

2. The journal has the right to accept, reject and edit the article.

3. The journal rejects articles that contain elements that are plagiarized. Therefore, if an author uses someone else’s research achievement or a part of his/her own published research without citing the source, the article will be rejected.

4. JPTR handles plagiarism and duplication with iThenticate for English papers.

About Ali Teymoori

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