Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: 5th Int’l Symposium on Politics and Society in the Islamic world

Call for Papers: 5th Int’l Symposium on Politics and Society in the Islamic world

Continuing the academic cooperation from previous years, The Institute of the Middle and Far East of the Jagiellonian University, The Department of Middle East and North Africa of the University of Lodz and The Department for European Islam Studies of the University of Warsaw organise the fifth international symposium that will be devoted to the social and political transformation in the contemporary Islamic world.

Following the formula adopted in the earlier conferences, we will focus both on the area stretching from the Maghreb, to the Middle East and Central Asia to South-East Asia, as well as Muslim minorities in other regions. The Islamic world is still a point of interest attracting involvement of the world powers. The rivalry between USA, Russia, China and India directly influence international relations, economic developments and political systems’ evolution in Muslim countries. These changes are also conditioned by the various social transformations and cultural trends unfolding in Muslim societies. Therefore, discussing the world of Islam requires an interdisciplinary approach. Hence, we invite researchers from different disciplines, engaging in the perspectives of political science, sociology, cultural studies, regional studies and other sciences, as well as combining various disciplines.

Important Data

The deadline for submitting abstracts: June 30, 2019

Venue: Institute of the Middle and Far East of the Jagiellonian University 30-063 Krakow (Poland), 2a Oleandry Street

Conference languages: Polish, English, Russian, Arabic

Deadline for submitting full papers: October 31, 2019

Conference Date: September 27-28, 2019

Email: The participants should submit registration forms with abstracts (200-300 words) by sending them to the e-mail address: islamicsymposiumkrk@gmail.com

Conference Fee

The conference fee is 80 EUR. It covers conference materials, catering during coffee breaks, lunches and a dinner as well as an opportunity to publish a paper in the peer-reviewed volume.

The detailed information about the bank account will be provided after the acceptance of submitted abstracts.  The final date for the conference fee payment is July 31, 2019.

Conference Website: islamicsymposiumeng

About Ali Teymoori

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