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Call for Applications: Scholarships and Places in the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies will admit up to ten PhD fellows to its three-year doctoral programme, which is to begin on 1 October 2022.

The Graduate School is a joint institution of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, which brings together scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and area studies.

The Graduate School investigates the plurality, changeability, and global connectedness of Muslim cultures and societies. Applications with a focus on strategies of negotiating diversity, difference, and distinction, both among Muslims and between Muslims and non-Muslims are especially encouraged. Successful applicants will have a master’s degree in one of the disciplines represented at the Graduate School (Arabic Studies, Central Asian Studies, History, Human Geography, Iranian Studies, Islamic Studies, Political Science, Semitic Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology, South and Southeast Asian Studies, Southeast European History), with a ranking, where applicable, of above average. Our language of instruction and communication is English.

The application needs to be submitted via the application platform and includes the following information and documents:

  • Outline of the dissertation project (pdf file, up to 6 pages);
  • Curriculum vitae (pdf file, up to 3 pages);
  • Certified copies of degrees received (pdf files);
  • Proof of proficiency in English (C1 CEFR or equivalent, native speakers of English or applicants who have graduated from an English-speaking university in a country with English as an official language are exempt from this verification) (pdf file);
  • Evidence of proficiency in the language(s) relevant to the dissertation project (pdf file);
  • One letter of recommendation must be uploaded by the applicant’s referee directly to the application platform (signed and stamped on official paper).

Two full PhD scholarships for projects in history will be available with funding from the Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Two scholarships for international doctoral candidates will be available through the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme (conditional on the approval of funds). Six places are available for candidates with funding from a third party. Candidates without funding can apply, but must find financial support within 15 months after joining the programme (the Graduate School will support the fellows with their funding applications). The first supervisors must be members of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies. Fellows are expected to take residence in Berlin during the three-year programme.

Applications will be reviewed by the School’s Admissions and Grants Committee, and interviews will be scheduled between 7 and 11 February, 2022.

The complete application package must be submitted by 1 November, 2021, 12 noon Central European Winter Time through our application platform. The Admissions and Grants committee will not consider incomplete or late applications.

Please make sure to formally submit your application to complete the application process. For further information, please refer to our FAQ and our application guidelines. Please send an e-mail to application@bgsmcs.fu-berlin.de for help with your application. No legal entitlement shall be constituted by applying to the programme. On account of the large number of applications we are regrettably not able to provide feedback on unsuccessful applications. Prospective applicants are invited to join our live Q&A session on October 5, 2021 (the link to the stream will be published on our website).

About Ali Teymoori

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