Home / Announcements / Call for Application: Scholarships for the MA Islam in Contemporary Britain

Call for Application: Scholarships for the MA Islam in Contemporary Britain

Applications are invited for THREE full-time scholarships for the MA Islam in Contemporary Britain for the academic year 2018/19.

Eligibility criteria for the MA scholarships

  • A first class or very high upper-second class honors degree in a relevant subject (Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Social Sciences, Philosophy or History) from a UK university
  • Full awards are open only to UK and EU nationals who satisfy UK residency requirements
  • Priority will be given to candidates with a demonstrable record of interest in, and/or enthusiasm for, working with British Muslims
  • Willingness to attend all Islam-UK Centre activities and events (e.g. Spring Semester Public Lecture Series) and to undertake some voluntary work with local Muslim communities in South Wales

Important Dates

Deadline for Submission Application: 4th May 2018

Venue: Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK

Each MA scholarship will comprise:

  • Full-time Cardiff University MA fees for 2018/19
    • Stipend of approximately £15000
    • Research allowance £1000 (books/conferences etc.)

How to apply for an MA scholarship

All MA scholarship candidates are required to complete the following:

1. Cardiff University Postgraduate online application for the full-time MA in Islam in Contemporary Britain with September 2018 entry. You find an ‘apply now’ link on the course page, which brings you to the SIMS Online Application System where applicants will need to register as a ‘New User’.Applications must be made by the deadline.

2. An MA Jameel Scholarships Application Form, all sections of which must be completed in full.  MA Jameel Scholarships Application Forms are available to download on the right-hand side of this page.  Completed forms must be submitted as an email attachment with the heading ‘MA Jameel Scholarships’ to jameelscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk by the deadline.

3. Two references, of which AT LEAST one, must be from a University from which the applicant has graduated.  References should be completed on an MA Referee Report Form which should be sent as an email attachment to jameelscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk by the deadline.  The MA Referee Report Form is available to download on the right-hand side of this page.  Applicants should follow instructions given on the MA Referee Report Form.  Please note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that references are received by the deadline.  Failure to do so will compromise the application.

4. A complete transcript of all marks achieved to date to be sent as an email attachment to jameelscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk by the deadline.  Failure to do so will compromise the application.

Checklist for MA candidates

1. Submit Cardiff University online postgraduate application via SIMS for the MA in Islam in Contemporary Britain by the deadline.

2. Submit an MA Jameel Scholarships Application Form as an email attachment to jameelscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk by the deadline.

3. Request each referee (2) to submit an MA Referee Report Form as an email attachment to jameelscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk by the deadline.

4. Submit a complete transcript of all marks achieved to date as an email attachment to jameelscholarships@cardiff.ac.uk by the deadline.

Please contact the Postgraduate Administrator for any queries on 029 208 70903 (Mon-Thurs, 10am-4pm)

Interviews for short-listed candidates are likely to be held in the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, John Percival Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU

About Ali Teymoori

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