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Ayatollah Sistani’s Advices over Coronavirus

Due to the spread of the coronavirus and its aftermath, the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s office in Holy city of Qom, by issuing five important recommendations, permitted the half of the blessed Imam’s (A.S) portion to be allocated to soothe the patients and prevent people from being affected by the coronavirus.

The statement issued on this occasion reads:

In the name of God, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful

Allah Almighty Says in the Holy Quran

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits

Now, in this strange time, while the world is being struck by Corona disease, and especially the Islamic Republic of Iran has also suffered from this disease, the believers are expected to the followings:

  1. Be patient and seriously attend to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, as the main responsible for dealing with this process, and other officials.
  2. Undoubtedly, the most important factors to get rid of this difficult time, are orison and taking refuge in the Divine Grace and resort to the family of infallibility and purity.
  3. Observing the patients’ health condition and helping them to speed up the recovery and alleviation of their sufferings, is God Almighty’s satisfactory and believers are allowed to consume half of the blessed Imam’s (A.S) portion in this way and also to prevent people from being infected with the disease.
  4. We thank all the doctors, nurses, and staff who are striving to fight this virus with all their heart and soul in the way of dear people’s health, and we ask God Almighty the healthsome and success for them.

5. In addition to recommending to patience and intelligence, we pray God Almighty for urgent healing for dear patients and for the deceased, mercy and divine blessings.

source: shafaqna

About Ali Teymoori

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