Home / All / Ayatollah Sistani Offers Condolence over Demise of Ayatollah Alavi Gurgani

Ayatollah Sistani Offers Condolence over Demise of Ayatollah Alavi Gurgani

Iraqi-based Shia marja’ Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Sistani in a statement has offered his condolence over the passing of Iranian Shia cleric, Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammad Ali Alavi Gorgani.

In a message to Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani’s son, Ayatollah Sistani offered condolences to the family and devotees of the senior scholar.

He also prayed God to elevate his status and to grant patience and fortitude to the bereaved family.

The text of his message follows.

In the Name of Allah the Compassionate Most Merciful
To Allah W belong and to Him is our return (Holy Qur’an 2:156)

Dear Mr. Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Gurgani
Salaam Alaykum

We offer our sincere condolences on the demise of your dear father, Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Ali Alawi Gurgani, to Your Excellency, your honourable brothers, and other honorable relatives, and his esteemed devotees.

I ask Allah Almighty and All Powerful, to elevate his rank in Illyin and to grant his family and devotees patience and solace.

There is no strength or power but with Allah Almighty.

Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani
11 Shaʻbān Al-Muʻazam 1443A.H.

About Ali Teymoori

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