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Ayatollah Sistani Demands Iraqi Judiciary to Release the Man Insulted Him

The Office of Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani in Najaf, sent an official letter to the Judge of the Misdemeanor Court of Hilla calling for the release of a citizen who was sentenced with two-year prison for insulting the supreme religious authority, His Eminence, in Social media sites.

on Monday 19 Sha’ban 1441 AH, corresponding to 13 April 2020, the Office of the Supreme Religious Authority in Najaf, sent an official letter to the Judge of the Misdemeanor Court of Hilla calling for the release of a citizen who was sentenced with two-year prison for insulting the supreme religious authority, His Eminence Sayyid Ali Husseini Sistani, in Social media sites. The letter stressed that His Eminence is never satisfied that a person be punished for publishing something that includes insulting him, calling for swift legal measures to be taken to release him.

About Ali Teymoori

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