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Ayt. Sistani Calls for Protection of Civilians in Mosul

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani has called on Iraqi Forces battling to retake the city of Mosul from Daesh State militants to protect civilians trapped there.

Iraq’s most prominent Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani has called on army soldiers, fighters from pro-government Popular Mobilization Units and Kurdish Peshmerga forces battling to retake the city of Mosul from Daesh State militants to protect civilians trapped there.

“We stress today upon our beloved fighters, as we have before on many occasions, that they exercise the greatest degree of restraint in dealing with civilians stuck in the areas, where there is fighting. Protect them and prevent any harm to them by all possible means,” read a statement from Ayatollah Sistani read by his representative Sheikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalaei during a Friday sermon in the holy shrine city of Karbala.

He also called on the “good people of Mosul to cooperate with the security forces as much as possible and to facilitate their mission to free them from the rule of Daesh terrorists.”

The remarks came as Commander of Federal Police Forces, Lieutenant General Raed Shaker Jawdat, said elite counter-terrorism forces have entered the village of al-Shak south of Mosul.

Jawdat added that security forces have marched into the villages of Maftan and Tal Nasser, which lie south of Mosul, killing and arresting some 220 Daesh terrorists in the process.

Furthermore, Iraqi government forces have raised the national flag over a church in the historically Christian town of Bartella, a day after recapturing it from Daesh.

Daesh Takfiris had desecrated the holy site, spraying graffiti on its walls, and littering the floors with dirt and garbage.

Earlier on Friday, security forces liberated Na’anah village south of Mosul, and detonated four cars packed with explosives in addition to two bicycle bombs.

Nearly 30,000 army soldiers, fighters from pro-government Popular Mobilization Units and Kurdish Peshmerga forces are involved in a massive and multi-pronged operation to retake the city of Mosul from Daesh militants.


About Ali Teymoori

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