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Ayatollah Shobairi Zanjani’s Fatwa on Fasting in the Time of Covid-19

The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi Zanjani answered a question about fasting during holy month of Ramadan amid coronavirus outbreak.

What follows is the Question and answers:

Question: Considering the outbreak of the dangerous Coronavirus, and doctors recommendation for strengthening body to avoid the virus to be effective, is it possible not to fast in this year’s Month of Ramadan?

Ayatollah Shobairi’s Answer: If according to specialist doctors, fasting increases the possibility of a person getting infected with this illness, and increases his/her suffering; (that person) must not fast, and this question has also been mentioned in the code of practice for religious matters (Risalah Amaliyah). Of course must not pretend to break the fast, and must not disrespect the holy Month (of Ramadan).

About Ali Teymoori

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