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Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini Passes Away at 94

Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini, a member of the Iran Expediency Discernment Council, an eminent scholar of jurisprudent and a professor at the Religious Learning Center at Qom passed away at age 94, on April 24 in holy city of Qom, Iran.

Ayatollah Amini was born in 1925 in the City of Najafabad in the Province of Esfahan. Having finished his primary studies in Najafabad, he joined the Religious Learning Center of Esfahan in 1942. After completing his curriculum of religious studies in Esfahan, he joined the most famous Religious Learning Center of Qum in 1947, where he learned Dars al-Kharij, Jurisprudence and principles, under the tutorship of most eminent religious scholars of that period. He studied the Philosophy books:

Manzoomeh of Hakim Sabzavari, Isfar of Sadar al-Mutaleheen and Shifa of Avicena, under the tutorship of most eminent philosophers of that period. Also, he studied the religious sciences of Kalam (Discourse) and Tafseer (Commentary) during his stay over there.

While, pursuing his religious studies at Esfahan and Qum he also taught Literature, Jurisprudence and Philosophy. Because of his special attitude and inclination towards the sciences namely: Psychology, Child-Psychology, Education and Training, Family-rights, Family-ethics, and Traditions of Holy Prophet (S) and Infallible Imams (a.s.), he pursued advance studies and research in these areas.

Ayatollah Amini from the very beginning was interested in writing and academic research and therefore, since the year 1945 he has been engaged intensively in writing and research.

Following is a list of some of his published works:

  1. Dad-Gustar al-Jahan (World Administer of Justice) about the life of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.).
  2. Barrasi Masail al-Kulli Imamat (Over all review of affairs related to Divinely Appointed Viceregency).
  3. Aayeen al-Hamsar Dari (the Code of Marital Relationship).
  4. Aayeen al- Tarbiyat dar Tarbiyate-Kudak (Principles of Upbringing Children).
  5. Islam wa Talim wa Tarbiyat (Education and Training in Islam).
  6. Intekhab al- Hamsar (Selection of Spouse).
  7. Bano al-Namuna al-lslam (The Ideal Women of Islam), about the life of Fatimah az-Zahra (SA) the daughter of the Holy Prophet (S).
  8. Khud Sazi dar Akhlaque (Moral Self-building).
  9. Aamuzish al-Din (Religious-Education): Roots and Branches of religion, explained in simple language, consisting of seven volumes, are included in the curriculum of Primary Education.
  10. Droos min al-Saqafateh al-Islamiyah: A complete course of Roots and Branches of Religion of Intermediate level.
  11. Aashnai ba Masail al-Kulli Islam (Acquaintance with over all Islamic Affairs).
  12. Hame Bayad Be Danand (Everybody should know); A small booklet containing the details of Roots and Branches of the Religion for younger people.
  13. Islam wa Tammudan al-Gharb (Islam and Western Civilization): Translation from Arabic into Persian of Moududi’s Book: Nahn wa al-Hazarate al-Gharbiyeh.
  14. A lot of miscellaneous articles written on various: Ideological, Political, Social, Ethical and Educational topics for presentation at National and International Seminars and Conferences. The above listed books were written in Persian but so far many of them have been translated into various foreign languages.

In addition to his teaching responsibilities he also holds many important national positions as follows:

Member and Vice President of Assembly of Experts (Majlis al-Khubrigan); Secretary-General of Office and Educational Research Center of Assembly of Experts; Member Academic Council of Religious Learning Center of Qom; and Chief of Cultural Affairs; Member Board of Trustees of World Center for Islamic Sciences; Member board of Trustees Imam al-Sadiq University in Tehran and Member of Supreme Council of World Assembly of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.).

About Ali Teymoori

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