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Article: Spiritual Excellences of Dhū’l Ḥijjah

Those seeking spiritual perfection will prepare for Dhū’l Ḥijjah even before the month arrives – and this goes for everyone – those who are blessed to perform the ḥajj should have prepared for this journey months beforehand.

In the 12th month of the lunar calendar, Dhū’l Ḥijjah, the respected companions of the Noble Prophet used to engage in copious amounts of worship. This was not limited to those taking part in the ḥajj, but rather, even those who had not been fortunate to partake in such a life-altering experience intensified their worship of Allah during this final month of the Islamic year.

Some traditions tell us that certain days in the month of Dhū’l Ḥijjah even excel over the days of Ramaḍān and when we keep in mind the important occasions such as ʿArafah and Ghadeer when Islam was perfected and the bounties of Allah were completed, it is easy to understand why this month is so special, Allah says in the Quran:

الْیَوْمَ أَکْمَلْتُ لَکُمْ دِینَکُمْ وَ أَتْمَمْتُ عَلَیْکُمْ نِعْمَتِی وَ رَضِیتُ لَکُمُ الْإِسْلامَ دِیناً

Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I have approvedIslam as your religion.

Those seeking spiritual perfection will prepare for Dhū’l Ḥijjah even before the month arrives – and this goes for everyone – those who are blessed to perform the ḥajj should have prepared for this journey months beforehand, and those who have not been fortunate to make the pilgrimage this year will also prepare for their own spiritual journey throughout the month of Dhū’l Ḥijjah to reap maximum benefit.

The article covers the following:

  1. Spiritual Excellences of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  2. First First Ten Nights and Days of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  3. General Acts of Worship
  4. First Day of Dhu’l Ḥijjah
  5. Second Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  6. Third Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  7. Seventh Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  8. Eighth Day of Dhu’l Ḥijjah
  9. Night of ʿArafah
  10. Day of ʿArafah (9th of Dhū’l Ḥijjah)
  11. Supplication of Imam al-Ḥusayn on the Day of ʿArafah Tenth Night of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  12. Tenth Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  13. Fifteenth Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  14. Eighteenth Night of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  15. Eighteenth Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  16. Eid al-Ghadeer
  17. Pact of Loyalty on the Day of Ghadeer
  18. Twenty Second Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  19. Twenty–Fourth Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah
  20. Day of Mubāhilah
  21. Twenty–Fifth Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah

     22.Last Day Last Day Last Day Last Day of Dhū’l Ḥijjah

Spiritual Excellences of Dhū’l Ḥijjah

About Ali Teymoori

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