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American Muslims to Host Islamic Prayer in front of White House

Marking One Year of Resistance: Impacted refugees, leaders and dozens of organizations will host an Islamic prayer circled by a human chain– in front of the White House, followed by a rally and march to CBP headquarters in protest of continued anti-Muslim, anti-refugee and anti-immigrant policies.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’  largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, will join hundreds of local and national Muslim, immigrant, refugee, and civil rights organizations at a rally in front of the White House to protest the one-year anniversary of the Trump administration’s first Muslim and refugee ban.

Organizers say that first ban, and subsequent versions of the ban, have discriminated against communities and dismantled the refugee resettlement program.

Impacted leaders still affected by the current bans on Muslim-majority nations will speak about family separation and other negative impacts. Refugee leaders will protest the most recent refugee ban, which alongside other policy changes is estimated to result in only 15,000 refugees arriving this year, just a third of the 45,000-cap set by the President — the lowest in history.

About Ali Teymoori

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