Home / All / Fuqaha / Biographies / Ḥassan Ibn Yūsif Ibn Moṭahhar Ḥillī (ʻAllāmah Ḥillī)

Ḥassan Ibn Yūsif Ibn Moṭahhar Ḥillī (ʻAllāmah Ḥillī)

Place of birth: Hillah – Iraq
Place of Demise: Hillah – Iraq
Hasan, son of Yūsuf, son of Ali, son of Mutahhar-e Hillī, known as Allāmah Hillī, was born on Ramadhān 29th, 648 Hegira in the city of Hillah.


He was born in a clerical and knowledgeable family. He started studying and completing his knowledge from his early childhood. He was taught Arabic literature as well as ordinary fundamental studies in Hillah by his sage father and other great scholars such as his honorable uncle, Muhaqqiq Hillī, and his mother’s cousin, Sheikh Najībiddīn Yahyā son of Sa’īd, and a number of Islamic dignitaries, such as Sayyed Ahmad son of Tāwūs, Radhīeddīn Alī son of Tāwūs, and the famous sage Ibn-e Maytham Bahrānī, the compiler of ‘Sharh-e Nahj-ul-Balāghah’ (An explication to Nahj-ul-Balāghah).
Allāmah Hillī completed his fundamental studies before reaching his adolescence, and was honored by the high rank of Ijtihād (religious authority for Islamic jurisprudence). From the same days his reputation for virtuousness, genius, and intelligence began to echo throughout the Islamic lands and disclosed a promising future for him.
1- Khājeh Nasīreddīn Tūsī
2- Muhaqqiq Hillī
3- Sheikh Sadīdeddīn Yūsuf (his honorable father)
4- Sayyed Ahmad Ibn-e Tawūs
5- Sayyed Alī Ibn-e Tawūs
6- Ibn-e Maytham Bahrānī
7- Sheikh Najībeddīn Yahyā Ibn-e Sa’īd
8- Sheikh Taqīeddīn Abdullāh, son of Ja’far, son of Alī Sabbāgh HanafīStudents
1- His respectable son Fakhruddīn Muhammad
2- Sheikh Abul-Hasan Mazīdī
3- Qutbuddīn Rāzī, the explicator of book ‘Shamsīyyah’
4- Sayyed Ahmad Ibn-e Ibrāhīm, son of Zuhreh

Political Situation of his Era

Allāmah Hillī grew up and continued his studies in his hometown. At that time Iran was under the savage attack of descendants of Genghis Khan, the Mongol tyrant, and their troops.Scientific Position
He was a prodigy of his time. He wrote books in various fields such as: Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Usūl (Principles of Fiqh), Kalām (theology), logics, philosophy, Rijāl (biography of Islamic narrators and scholars of Hadīth), etc.
Around 100 books, either manuscripts or printed copies of his works are recognized, and some of them such as ‘Tadhkirat-ul-Fuqahā’ would be sufficient by itself to demonstrate his genius.
Allāmah Hillī took Fiqh from his uncle Muhaqqiq Hillī, and philosophy and logics from Khājeh Nasīreddīn Tūsī. He also took Fiqh of Sunni sect from Sunni scholars.

After a noble life full of efforts and endeavors in the way of restoration and promulgation of Islamic Sharī’ah (prescripts), Allāmah Hillī finally passed away on Muharram 11th or 21st, 726 Hegira in his hometown, Hillah.
His tomb is located in the sanctified city of NAJAF, in the holy shrine of Amir-ul-Mu’menīn Imām Alī (pbuh).

As mentioned earlier, Allāmah Hillī wrote around a hundred valuable books, some of them are listed below:
1- Al-Irshād
2- Tabsarat-ul-Muta’allimīn
3- Al-Qawāid
4- At-Tahrīr
5- Tadhkarat-ul-Fuqahā
6- Mukhtalaf-ush-Shī’a
7- Al-Muntahā
8- Sharh-ut-Tajrīd
9- Minhāj-ul-Istiqāmah

About Alireza Mosaddeq

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