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Al-Azhar Voices Support for Palestinians under Israeli Fire

Grand mufti of al-Azhar University has issued message in 15 languages urging world people to voice support with the Palestinian nation under Israeli fire.

Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayyeb grand mufti of al-Azhar in his message called on people across the glove to announce their solidarity with the Palestinian people and end the dual stance in r egards to the country.

Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayyeb in his message demanded world leaders and nations to stand by the Palestinian nation in the legal demand of a pacifist and oppressed nation for regaining their land and sanctities.

“If we intend to struggle for global peace and calm, then we should end the silence and hypocritical policies” wrote al Azhar grand mufti in another part of his message.

Sheikh Ahmad al Tayyeb has also talked to the political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in a phone call as he vowed that the Palestinian nation will continue resistance, defense for the al-Aqsa Mosque and other sanctities in Palestine.

He denounced the Zionists for making the grave mistake to attack al-Quds and the Gaza Strip since it has not deeply understood the intention of Palestinian nation to defend the holy mosque.

Israeli forces have launched massive attacks against the Gaza Strip since Monday killing nearly 200 people among them 58 children and 34 women.

About Ali Teymoori

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