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Al-Azhar Praises Putin’s Courageous Stand on Qurʼan

Al-Azhar, the Islamic institution, expressed its admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s resolute stance against the repeated abuses targeted at the Holy Quran.

In a statement published on its official website, Al-Azhar saluted President Putin for his courageous act of holding the Quran, defending the sanctities of Muslims, and demonstrating the utmost respect for Islam.

Putin’s Embrace of the Holy Quran Earns Acclaim

During his visit to the Friday mosque in the city of Derbent, President Putin was seen embracing the Holy Quran, a gesture that garnered immense appreciation. He emphasized the unity between Christians and Muslims, stating that the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church had always affirmed the bond of brotherhood between the two religious communities. President Putin unequivocally declared Russia’s profound reverence for the Quran and the religious sentiments of Muslims, firmly condemning any disrespect towards this sacred book as a criminal act.

On the morning of Eid al-Adha, an unfortunate incident took place at the Stockholm Central Mosque, where an individual tore and set fire to a copy of the Quran, taking advantage of a permitted “protest” organized by the Swedish police. Subsequently, the Swedish authorities pressed charges against the perpetrator for inciting hatred against an ethnic or national group.

About Ali Teymoori

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