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A Look at the Root Causes of Family Crisis in the West

The Western family has struggled to address the challenges of modernity. One possible explanation for this can be found in Imam Khamenei’s remarks on January 2, 2017, where he stated: “Today, the gaps, deficiencies, and foundational weaknesses in Western civilization – evident in the lives of young people, in family dynamics, and in the inclination towards various intellectual, practical, and moral deviations – have become apparent.

When one perceives the nature of human to be individualism, it comes out as severing their connection with everything around them. In the Western context, the notion of the ‘philosophical subject’ centers around the individual. This idea of individuality originated in nominalism and later in Christian Protestantism. It’s this understanding of individuality that became the cornerstone of liberal ideology. In my view, liberalism represents a historical, cultural, political, and philosophical process aimed at freeing the individual from any collective identity that transcends individual.”

These are Aleksandr Dugin’s words, a Russian philosopher, while discussing the roots of issues like sexual deviations, generational gaps, and the disregard for national and familial identities in the West.

Examining the history of the West from the Enlightenment onward shows us that this analysis has some considerable elements of truth to it. As discussed in the article ” In Gaza: West lost all its honor even that of academia,” economic factors played a crucial role in driving changes within the Western education system. The same can be said about the changes in the sources of collective identity in West. The emergence of Calvinist and Protestant Christian movements in Europe challenged the Catholic Church’s collective identity, which held sway over Western Europe. Subsequently, secularism rejected religious authority over governments. Breaking free from these religious constraints had significant advantages, allowing merchant and affluent classes to gain control over various aspects, ranging from the education of specialized trade professionals to the formulation of financial regulations.

The major European empires like Prussia, France, and Britain, among others, served as pillars of Western collective identity, which began to crumble with the rise of nationalist ideas. These national governments also faced challenges from the modern concept of civil society. This shift has now reached one of civil society’s fundamental components—the family—and aims to dismantle it. Economic motives still play a role in the fragmentation of societal units. At the national level, governments disrupt them due to discontent with their position in the broader order, seeking greater profits. Similarly, capitalists, eager to maximize income from every aspect of human life, view national identity, differences, and governmental conflicts as obstacles to their production and advertising strategies, constantly working to blur them. It could be argued that the assault on the institution of the family, to be discussed further, aligns with this policy of maximizing capitalist exploitation of humans.

Personal freedom and materialism, the two driving forces of Western liberalism

In a previous discussion titled “The crisis in Gaza and the deviation of Western academia,” we explored the role of humanistic thought in shaping modern universities. Personal freedom for thought, choice, and action is considered a  cornerstone of humanism. From this perspective, the focus of human activities and thoughts should be on worldly life and its productivity. However, this belief also fosters a mindset of profit-seeking, materialism, and selfishness, which lies at the heart of Western capitalism. Over time, these humanistic ideas have supplanted the values of sacrifice, contentment, and belief in an afterlife among the general population of the West, leading to a new way of life experience. This evolving lifestyle progressively sheds traditions and constraints that might hinder this materialistic and individualistic spirit. Imam Khamenei underscored this aspect of Western civilization on June 3, 2004, noting that it was founded on hostility toward spirituality and the rejection of spiritual values—a major misstep by the pioneers of European civilization and scientific progress. While they valued science, their antagonism towards spirituality was detrimental and deviant. Consequently, as this materialistic civilization advances, its deviation becomes more pronounced, embittering both themselves and humanity with its toxic consequences, a trend that continues to this day.

Why has the West gone to war with the family?

In the centuries following the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, the emphasis on individual freedom and materialism has shaped a culture found in both capitalist states and governments labeled as “socialist.” This culture drives society toward rapid and pressured increases in production, leading to greater wealth accumulation. The survival of such societies relies on excessive consumerism and strict adherence to laws ensuring maximal production and development. As a result, production, advertising, and policymaking have all aligned with this trajectory. Artificial needs are created, consuming people’s time with work and fulfilling these needs, diverting attention from more significant concerns. The only beneficiaries of this harmful cycle are capitalists, who profit maximally from increased production. Now, let’s explore how families can resist this harmful cycle. The family serves as a foundation where both physical and emotional needs find fulfillment, offering a framework for a balanced and content life. Generations upheld by strong family ties have the resilience to push back against corporate greed and, over time, shape labor laws in their favor. Moreover, societies with robust family structures exhibit greater resistance to cultural invasions. By meeting their needs within a supportive environment, individuals become better equipped to comprehend societal and global issues through research and learning, rather than succumbing to fleeting desires. Conversely, profit-driven systems breed atomized individuals lacking roots or support, who become sought-after commodities in today’s world. These individuals are willing to accept any job, regardless of the cost to their financial or mental well-being. They easily fall prey to advertising, prioritizing following sports leagues, indulging in alcohol-fueled nights, and engaging in outside-of-marriage relationships. They are the best possible cogs for this wealth-producing machinery.

How has the West gone to war with the family?

The West’s assault on the family may be understood by examining its attack on the identity of women and mothers, who serve as the cornerstone of family life. During a speech on December 27, 2023, addressing women, Imam Khamenei highlighted two crucial points from an Islamic perspective regarding women’s societal roles: one concerning family dynamics, homemaking, and the role of “motherhood,” and the other addressing the perils of sexual attraction. The West’s assault on the family can be discerned through these two lenses. Economic circumstances in Western societies often force both partners to seek employment outside the home to sustain an average lifestyle. This trend is accompanied by increasing feminist rhetoric advocating for women’s participation in the workforce at any cost and their financial independence. Furthermore, the West has aggressively targeted the institution of the family and women by flooding the market with pornographic content, influencing fashion trends, and promoting extramarital relationships.

What is the solution?

The Western family has struggled to address the challenges of modernity. One possible explanation for this can be found in Imam Khamenei’s remarks on January 2, 2017, where he stated: “Today, the gaps, deficiencies, and foundational weaknesses in Western civilization – evident in the lives of young people, in family dynamics, and in the inclination towards various intellectual, practical, and moral deviations – have become apparent… These issues arise from a lack of spiritual ideals… If we aspire for our country, our nation, and human society to attain happiness, we must prioritize religious ideals and divine aspirations above all others.”

This is the divine ideal that has the power to prevent significant calamities for humanity by highlighting the importance of family and parents in this life and the afterlife, while also fostering a society rooted in family values. A compelling example of this is found in the Muslim families of Gaza. Despite enduring over seventy years of harsh economic, military, and cultural challenges, they have cultivated impressive resilience against occupation, standing firm against the Zionist regime’s attempts at genocide.

About Ali Teymoori

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