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Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani: Mina catastrophe defamed Al-Saud

Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani said on Wednesday that Mina catastrophe has defamed Al Saud regime, Wahabism and those claiming to be the custodians of holy shrines in Mecca.

Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani said on Wednesday that Mina catastrophe has defamed Al Saud regime, Wahabism and those claiming to be the custodians of holy shrines in Mecca.

Al Saud regime has not revealed the exact number of casualties to save its face and only tried to lower the figures but the pressure exerted by world nations forced it to admit the deaths of 4,000 Haj pilgrims.

Mina catastrophe brought sorrow and dismay among world Muslims and the worst of all is that the Saudi regime avoids delivering bodies of stamped victims, he said.

All should know the real nature of Al-Saud that claims to be the custodian of holy shrines, he said.

The incident proved the mismanagement and incapability of Saudi officials in handling Haj rituals, said Ayatollah Hamedani.

Over 4,700 pilgrims were killed, injured or announced missing with the number of Iranian casualties standing at 239 and 241 are still missing.

Some 64,000 Iranian pilgrims went to Mecca for this year’s Haj pilgrimage.

About Alireza Mosaddeq

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