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Hajj stampede beyond human control, says Saudi Mufti!

Saudi Arabia’s top religious leader said a stampede which killed nearly 2000 Hajj pilgrims was beyond human control.

“You are not responsible for what happened”, Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh told Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef in a meeting in Mina on Friday, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

“As for the things that humans cannot control, you are not blamed for them. Fate and destiny are inevitable,” Sheikh told the prince, who is also minister of interior.

Muhammed chairs the Saudi hajj committee and has ordered an investigation into Thursday’s stampede.

This is while Prince Khalid alFeysal, the head of Saudi Arabia’s central Hajj committee has put the blame of the stampede on ‘some pilgrims with African nationalities’.

No authority in Saudi Arabia takes the responsibility of the disaster!

About Alireza Mosaddeq

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