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Call for Papers: Quran and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective

The Quran and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective unit of the ISBL invites you to submit proposals for papers or pre-arranged panels at the upcoming 2024 international meeting.

We are particularly interested in exploring the Quran and Islamic traditions’ profound historical relationships with biblical and rabbinic traditions within the Near Eastern context. Suggested topics might include, but are not limited to, the Quran and Islamic tradition in the wider context of its history from Late Antiquity to the Modern period. In the spirit of fostering a vibrant academic exchange, we embrace different methods of comparative inquiry and are very inclusive to the diverse approaches ranging from traditional to revisionist. It is imperative that all papers have some comparative approach with biblical literature. Please note that membership in the Society of Biblical Literature is required in order to submit a paper proposal. For more information please contact the program unit chair.

Program Unit Chairs

Abdulla Galadari

Propose a Paper for this Program Unit

If you are a SBL member, you must login before you can propose a paper for this or any other session. Please login by entering your SBL member number on the left in the Login box.

For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

Questions About Membership?

  • Call 866-727-9955 Toll Free in the US
  • Call 404-727-9498 Outside the US
  • Fax us at 404-727-2419
  • Email us at sblservices@sbl-site.org

Call for Papers Opens: 11/29/2023
Call for Papers Closes: 2/13/2024

Meeting Begins7/28/2024
Meeting Ends8/1/2024

Participation Limits

  • A person is normally limited to participate in no more than two regular program sessions as a presenter, panelist, or respondent.
  • SBL committee and business sessions do not count toward this total.


  • Proposals require presentation title and an abstract of approximately 300 words—longer abstracts will be shortened.
  • Papers are most often allotted 20-25 minutes in a session, with 5-10 minutes for discussion.
  • If you have a question about a particular program unit, email the chair listed in the Call for Papers for that unit.
  • Proposals must be submitted through the online system.
  • All presentations must be new presentations of the scholar’s own original work. In absentia presentations are not typically accepted.
  • Papers cannot be repeated in other sessions or at other SBL meetings.


Registration and Membership Requirements

Program Participation

  • Membership is required from the time of proposal through the meeting.
  • Membership status will be checked by May 1 and non-current members will be removed from the program at that time.

Registration for Meeting

  • All participants and attendees are required to register through SBL.
  • All meeting participants must be registered by May 1. Registration will be checked and those not registered will be removed from the program.

Waivers of Registration and/or Membership Requirements

  • The consideration for waiver is not simply whether one is or is not a “biblical scholar,” but whether one works regularly with the literatures, histories, and cultures (material and social) that interface “Bible,” broadly construed.
  • Membership in other related organizations (e.g., AAR, ASOR) does not qualify one for a waiver.
  • Waivers are granted on a one-time basis only. If a waiver recipient wishes to participate on the program a second time in subsequent years, he or she must join the SBL.
  • Waivers will not be granted to expired SBL members.
  • A waiver for the International Meeting may include:
    • Waiver of membership requirement;
    • Complimentary meeting registration;
  • The waivers program is administered by the Programs staff in consultation with the Executive Director and the International Meeting Program Committee.
  • Waiver recipients register using a waiver registration form, which is usually sent to all waiver recipients by May 15.

About Ali Teymoori

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