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Ayatollah Sistani Condolences over the Demise of Pakistani Sheikh

Iraq’s top Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani condoled the death of Sheikh Mohsen Ali Najafi, a prominent Pakistani Quran translator and interpreter.

Ayatollah Sistani said in a message that Sheikh Najafi spent many years of his life in promoting Islam and serving believers in Pakistan, including by establishing several scholarly and educational centers.

He expressed condolences to the people of Pakistan, especially the family of the scholar and prayed for God, the Almighty, to raise the rank of the scholar and grant patience to the bereaved family.

The text of Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s message follows:

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent Most Merciful
We belong to Allah and unto Him we shall return

News of the death of the dedicated Alim Hujjatul-Islam wal Muslimeen Al-Haj Shaykh Mohsin Ali Najafi (may Allah be pleased with him) was sad and regrettable. He spent many years of his honourable life propagating the religion and serving Momineen. He also established and managed several scholastic and educational centres that helped the religious community in Pakistan. May Allah reward him the best of rewards.
I convey my condolence to all Momineen and Mominaat in Pakistan on this tragedy – especially relatives and believers. I ask Allah Almighty to grant him the highest ranks and to grant his family patience and great reward.
There is no might or strength except by Allah the Exhaled the Glorious.

Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani
26 Jumada al-Thani 1445

The founder of Jamia Al-Kawthar Islamic Seminary passed away in Islamabad on Tuesday at the age of 84.

About Ali Teymoori

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